Happy, Happy Sunday to you all!
I hope you had a great week and that the weekend has been all about relaxation and fun that you'd been looking forward to.
As for me, I have been cra-aazy busy studying for my NCA Examinations. The entire Examination structure is completely opposite to what I'd been doing in India, so yea, it's got me quite psyched & I'm really stressed pretty much all the time.
But, but, but I have been super excited for doing THIS post because the super sweet & lovely Brianna at OnlineBeautyFinds nominated me for the Liebster Award. Oh my Gosh- for some silly reason this gets me all hyper & animated! :P
Ok, so let's jump right into to the Award :D :D
The Rules:- Once nominated, make a post thanking and linking the person who nominated you.
- Include the LEIBSTER AWARD sticker in the post too
- Nominate 10 other bloggers who you think are worthy of this award. Let them know they have been nominated by commenting on 1 of their posts. You can nominate the person who nominated you
- Answer the 10 questions asked to you by the person who nominated you and make ten questions of your own for your nominees.
- Lastly, copy these rules in the post.

- If you were a super hero; what powers would you have?
So ever since I was a child, I always wished to be able to read other's minds. I'm always psycho-analyzing as much as I can (Haha- I actually chose Psychology during High School to help further in this crazy obsession). So yea, I wish I could read minds.
2. What is the inspiration behind your blog?Talking! Anyone who knows me would say that I love to talk & I always chirping around. Plus, I love fashion. It doesn't matter what you're talking about, I will find a way to butt in ' talking about clothes ' in that conversation. Law School days didn't allow me much time, and it's actually become even more difficult these days but I try my best to share my interests. :)
3. Favourite animal?I really like dogs, but uhm.. at the same time, I'm really scared of the bigger ones. So yes- I should rephrase & say that I like small & medium sized dogs. Absolutely love them CANNOT pass on an opportunity to play with them. and Absolutely TERRIFIED of the bigger ones. Did that make sense?
4. Half full or half empty?Half full- half full! I'm always stressing on this to everyone. :D
5. What is your favourite quote?So I've really liked this one for the longest time ever, and I think my Dad said this to me, probably 10 years back. :)
"Arguments win the situation, but lose the person. So you have to decide which one do you want to win." <3
6. Chocolate or vanilla?Definitely Chocolate. I can never get tired of Chocolate, so give it all to me- milkshakes, ice creams, frappes, wafers, pastries- anything!
7. Heels or flats?Ok, so obviously flats are very comfortable but I love, love, love wearing heels! They instantly make me feel like 10X sexier. :D
8. Favourite TV series?Hands down, I have to say Friends. Over the years I have been obsessed with many others, like there was a time when I sweared by Gossip Girl, and then the lawyer inside me has always pined for Harvey Spector from Suits. The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, House of Cards, The Newsroom- I can keep talking, but Friends has always been in a different league altogether. Besides, who didn't get teary eyed in their Season Finale?
9. Favourite highlighter?Ok, so I've used a couple & I swear nothing works even remotely close to Benefit Watts Up. It gives the most flawless finish ever, but I have to mention that I always use my Beauty Blender with it- so some points are obviously taken by it as well. :P Anyhow, the shimmer can be built up as per your preference & it looks great during day & night. I absolutely <3 it!
10. Cream or powder contour?
Ohk, so honestly, I have never contoured. EVER! But if I ever do, I will have to choose a cream contour. Mostly because my skin is supremely dry, like drier than arid deserts. :P So Cream Contour is definitely the one that would work for me.
And in continuation with this Award, I further nominate:
Shopaholics Pair of Dice BeginnerBeaute Life as NatM Aubuerginereverie Casual Sanctuary Cosmetic Chaos The Mascaraphile Emma loves Beauty The Girl loves Makeup Miss Maisie and MeAnd the 10 questions that I choose are:
1. Who is your Style Inspiration? 2. Why did you start Blogging? 3. What's your absolute must-have beauty product? 4. Which perfume is your absolute favourite? 5.Which is that one fashion trend that you could never get on board with? 6. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to be? 7. What's your ideal way to unwind after a stressful day? 8. What is that one thing that you love about yourself, and what's the one thing that you would like to change? 9. Do you have a significant other? How did you meet him? 10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?This was sooo much of fun, and I can't wait to read your answers now. What did you think & would you like to do this Award as well? I nominate all of you to go ahead & do this Award! Don't forget to leave the link in the Comments below & I shall be sure to check them all out. :)