![Autumn Warmth Autumn Warmth](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/17/178668/autumn-warmth-L-9p0OfX.jpeg)
Weather Highlights:
Lowest Min 4.4C
Highest Max 32.6C
1 mm Rain
None this week!
Harvest Tally:
Beans Butter 52g
Beans Purple King 135g
Capsicum California Wonder 350g
Squash Golden 1034g
Tomato Money Maker 870g
Zucchini Nero di Milano 330g
Apples Cox's Orange Pippin 7418g
Grapes Black Sultana 3172g
Peaches 2649g
Pear Josephine 260g
Strawberry Guava 62g
Eggs: Total for the week 11
0 from the lone Barnevelder
11 from the 5 Farmyard Ferals
0 from the 4 Faverolles
![Autumn Warmth Autumn Warmth](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/17/178668/autumn-warmth-L-FHWOM3.jpeg)
The new Snow Peas were growing well in Bed 7 (MVG) but not towards the fence!!! A few sticks will show them the way. Once they grab hold of the fence there will be no stopping them!
![Autumn Warmth Autumn Warmth](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/17/178668/autumn-warmth-L-UZThxN.jpeg)
Purple Sprouting Broccoli in Bed 1 (MVG) is enjoying the late summer warmth...it's nearly a meter tall already!!
![Autumn Warmth Autumn Warmth](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/17/178668/autumn-warmth-L-ZWuwFE.jpeg)
![Autumn Warmth Autumn Warmth](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/17/178668/autumn-warmth-L-FBvlP8.jpeg)
The Strawberry Guava in the Almond Area is fruiting right now...The Lone Barnevelder is banned from this area until all the fruit is harvested...she loves Strawberry Guava!
![Autumn Warmth Autumn Warmth](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/17/178668/autumn-warmth-L-IJlyD8.jpeg)
Amazing Growth on the Lettuces in Bed 7 in the Main Vegetable Garden.
![Autumn Warmth Autumn Warmth](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/17/178668/autumn-warmth-L-nS7KfB.jpeg)
![Autumn Warmth Autumn Warmth](http://m5.paperblog.com/i/17/178668/autumn-warmth-L-CJqbwb.jpeg)
To see how the various Garden areas fit on our half acre block check out the newest Planting Plan for Autumn HERE This is updated as planting occurs.