This poster on the Republican Women thread quoted below was banned, as I do not allow pro-Republicans to post on this site under any circumstances ever, but his comment is instructive.
Almost every single person I have ever met who is an SJW/PC/Cultural Left hater is pro-Republican/Trumpster/The Right. Even with those on the “Left,” this is a problem. They seem to be rather neutral about the threat of the Right, and they end up defending the Right a lot. That is because for the SJW-haters on the Left, the #1 enemy is the SJW’s.
Usually this means that they hate Democratic Party, not to mention anything further Left. It follows that they dislike the entire anti-Trumpster movement because they see it as being led by those evil SJW’s. There is also a lot of normalizing and equivocating going on by saying that the Democrats are just as bad or worse than Republicans. Almost all of the SJW-haters on the Alt Left are either openly supporting Drumpf, are rather neutral about him or are rather muted in their condemnation of him.
That is because in our lunatic culture, if you hate SJW’s, then that means you are on the Right. So lots of SJW-haters are drifting over to the Right because they have been told that that is what they must be considering how they think. That they can still be on the Left and be SJW-haters never occurs to them. And even on the Alt Left where they ought to know better, we see this same more or less Trumpster phenomenon. Because, you know, Trump is the biggest SJW-hater of them all. The Alt Left is so full of Trumpsters that the whole movement is just about a Trumpster Fire on its very own. Support/equivocating about Trump and the Right is destroying the Alt Left.
The truth is this:
- The SJW’s themselves are creating or at least inflaming millions of Republicans, rightwingers and Trumpsters.
- The SJW-haters, who think they are attacking the thing that is driving everyone to the Right, are themselves creating or inflaming millions of Republicans, rightwingers and Trumpsters.
If you support them, you create Trumpsters.
If you hate them, you create Trumpsters.
A bit of a Catch-22 here, would you not say?
The solution is to neither support nor hate the SJW’s. The solution instead is to ignore the SJW’s as much as possible as you ignore a child throwing a tantrum. You throw the SJW’s in their room and try to ignore their screams as much as possible, as all responsible parents do to immature children.
Personally, the SJW’s are my comrades, but I think they have gone insane. But those are my people because I am a man of the Left. People on the Alt Left need to decide if they are on the Left or on the Right. If you are an Alt Leftie who is a Trumpster or even equivocates about them, you’re not on the Left as far as I am concerned. Leftwingers don’t get to support the Right. They don’t even get to equivocate or go neutral on the Right. If you are on the Left, the Right and especially our class enemies the rich, will always be the #1 enemy far beyond any absurd or silly SJW’s spouting weird and nonsensical things.
In life you get to choose your enemies. It is said you should choose wisely. Indeed. I concur and I’ve been around six decades. Bashing SJW’s is a clear case of picking the wrong enemy. SJW’s are screaming little bratty children who need a timeout in their room with the door locked so they can get their tantrum out. The Right and Trump are a grizzly bear in your living room about ready to eat you and your family. And you guys say the bratty child is the enemy while you ignore the brown bear about ready to tear you apart.
Do these SJW-haters realize that the Right kills? That capitalism kills? That the ultimate expression of pure capitalism taken to its logical conclusion, the Trump Administration, is going to kill lots and lots of people if their policies go down? Aren’t you upset about that?
How many people do SJW’s kill? Name one. You jump up and down about Antifa who beat up fascists who deserve it, but how many people did these Antifa kill? Sure, they hurt a few people. A few fascists!
You don’t think Trump and the Republicans have already hurt some people? They’ve hurt way more than Antifas have, and their victims were far more innocent. Trump and his rightwing allies around the world have not just hurt but have out and out killed millions of people. Capitalism, particularly the warp speed Trump capitalism, kills millions of people every year, mostly of hunger and attendant disease, mostly in South Asia. The last figure I read was 14 million/year. I doubt if it’s gone down.
So let’s do the body count:
The Right (neoliberal capitalism): 14 million/yr.
Antifas: 0/yr.
You SJW-haters sure have some messed up priorities.
At least she probably knows how many biological genders there are. The number of crazy, angry, stupid Conservatives is minuscule compared to the amount of crazy, angry, stupid Liberals. Liberals so hypocritical, idiotic, sensitive, and mad at life that it’s almost funny. People like the lady in the picture are very few and far apart, especially when compared to the thousands of SJW snowflakes running around yelling their insane opinions at anyone around them.
Also if you are basing your choice of women off of politics, as you seem to be above, you should undoubtedly stick with Republican women… that is unless you have a fetish for beached whales with excessive hair dye, no common sense, and a complete lack of general direction in life.
Thankfully for those who have common sense and want America to get better, the snowflakes won’t have any children to pass their insanity on to. The women will flip out if a guy wants to date them (which is an unlikely scenario in the first place due to their appearance and personality) and she will probably scream rape. As for the male snowflakes… they are mostly in their twenties, still unemployed, and are still waiting for their balls to drop. In conclusion, I think we are safe from the worry of the SJW fruitcakes reproducing and further polluting everything with their lack of decency and reason.