The Moon is today in the sign of Aquarius, the sign of technical advancement, of doing your own thing and not caring about tradition. This is a day that we look to the future and our emotions reactions will not worry about what has gone before. What does the future hold? Well it represents what you want to make out of it, and this day will go a long way to deciding which path you take.
The Moon initially forms a square to Jupiter setting the tone for us to expand our lives and to embrace the taking of a chance. We will be not so detail orientated rather than goal orientated and we will want to make an big impression. This is a confident and rather forgiving aspect, generous with praise, and supportive with mistakes made.
Mercury makes the next aspect of the day with a sextile to Uranus, with the Moon closing in on a conjunction with Mercury and thus also a second sextile to the rebel planet. This Moon Mercury and Uranus triple connection has so many ideas and brings lots of opportunities to connect with clever individuals. It will allow you to get your views seen by the public and to innovate, invent and to find out new things. This is a dream set of connections for those who are trying something new, going in a different direction and making important decisions. Through it we will be logical, and our emotions will be allow us to foster a clear thought process. We will then experience the Solar eclipse in Aquarius, effectively a new Moon where the Moon blocks out the light from the Sun. All new Moons promise new beginnings, and in some regard this eclipse will see a new start in your life, either through choice or by unexpected circumstance.
The final aspect of the day sees Saturn making a sextile to Venus with the planet of love connecting with the main star in the constellation of Cygnus the Swan, Deneb Adige. This star has mystical properties and it also brings subtlety with strength, and Venus combined with this star bring out the true performer in people when it comes to forming relationships. There will be a sense of theatre about the way we treat our partners, and also how we show off the resources we have. Saturn will slightly tone down the tendency for us to boast, but in practical terms we will still flaunt what we have and own, and act with a sense of entitlement, class and decorum towards those we are interested in, and those we love. Nothing will be too much trouble, and if you are on the receiving end, enjoy it while it lasts...