The Moon finishes its transit through the sign of Aries today, but before it does it has a few aspects with the other planets to contend with first. As you will realise Aries is a put your foot first influence, and sometimes Aries can act first and think later. The same can be said of our emotions now, and we may emotionally react to situations whereas a cooler and more reserved reaction might be more appropriate. We might say things out of sheer enthusiasm that we may regret later.
The Moon initially makes a very powerful square to Pluto. Intense emotional outbursts are entirely possible early on today, and inside we may be building up pressure like a geyser preparing to send a jet of water into the air. We could be intensely attracted to people, or we may bring out the best or worst in others, as our actions and emotional reactions inspire or annoy. Try to be aware of what you say or how you treat all around you.
The Moon then moves on to form an inconjunct aspect to Jupiter. Now in the middle of the day complacency can be our enemy, as we take a situation too lightly or not as seriously as we should do. We may learn a lesson from a situation where we were lacking in knowledge, or we could believe something but actually realise that the truth lies elsewhere. Following on from this, the Moon forms a conjunction to Uranus. This aspect is always one where we react a little crazily, or we may try to put other people off from what they are trying to do. We may be disruptive, intentionally or unintentionally, and we could infuriate others if we are too stubborn or stuck in our ways. Alternatively, we may be attracted to new ways of doing things or by creating exciting situations by taking a risk.
As the evening comes around the Moon moves into Taurus and things settle down a lot, especially as it soon makes an easy looking sextile to the Sun in Pisces. We will feel more at ease and emotionally settled at last, and others will start to relax in our company too. The rather stressed out and incendiary emotions that may have punctured the past two days will drift away, and we will crave that which we know, and those who we love and feel comfortable in sharing our lives with.
There are two planet and star aspects that colour this day too, as Mercury makes contact with the stars Sadalmelek in the constellation of Aquarius as well as Fomalhaut in Piscis Australis, the Southern Fish. Sadalmelek as you will remember if you read my daily updates is a star of making your own luck, and the decisions we make, the agreements we strike or the things we say may prove to be ones where we can gain in the future. We may be in the right place at the right time, and magical things may happen as a result. The star Fomalhaut is a poetic, charismatic and intensely creative star and we can have the most inspiring ideas, and our words and communications may be praised by others. Unfortunately on the flip side, there is a danger that we may become too egotistical and arrogant too, promise far more than we can deliver, or worse still we may be tempted to lie to cover up a situation, and as a result these actions may tarnish our reputation in the future. In the world around us matters that are thought to be true, but prove not to be may make the news.