Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Astrology of the Day – Moon in Gemini – Saturday 24th February 2018

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

The Moon is again in the sign of Gemini for a second consecutive day, and we will feel the duality of this sign. Gemini keeps us slightly off balance and the fluctuating desires of this Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde sign will keep our emotions constantly on edge. We will rarely be able to relax and we may feel more stressed out and anxious than normal. Geminis rarely can ever sit still for 5 minutes and this same restless feeling will affect us while the Moon is in this sign.

The Moon yesterday was making a series of stressful square aspects and this pattern continues first up as it forms a square to Venus in Pisces. This may cause tensions in our relationships as our emotions may not be linked in to the needs of our partner, and we may also be unsure of what we want out of them emotionally. This tension that I mentioned from the outset may reach a critical point by the morning as the Moon opposes Mars in Sagittarius. Something may irritate or annoy us, especially if somebody says that will carry out something and then they fail to do it, possibly because they have something else to do. This aspect can also inspire us to get up and get going in the morning, maybe through the encouragement of someone.

The Moon towards midday makes two consecutive inconjunct aspects, with the first being to Pluto followed by one to Jupiter. The Moon will briefly be at the point of a yod and through it we will be able to change our stance on something, or transform our attitudes to something that either stands in our way or controls our actions. It's time to be a be a bit wiser and more emotionally mature in our attitudes to situation. Being more flexible and seeing the other side of the story may aid in this.

The Moon then links up with first Uranus in a sextile and then Chiron in a square aspect. We will want to do our own thing this evening, but this may cause some upset or hurt to those who disagree with our suggestions and actions. The Moon in Gemini sextile to Uranus isn't the warmest connection either, it is almost clinical in nature, and the lack of romance and depth of feelings may make our partners think that we are being cold and uncaring, and this may trigger emotional worries in those that we profess to love and care about. Uranus can show incredible kindness though without being close, so try and use your thoughtful side to avoid causing too much upset.

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