The Moon is in the sign of Aries all day today, and we will be alive, assertive, quick tempered, impatient and willing to take on any challenge at a moment's notice. We will be much more passionate now and full of enthusiasm to get things moving. This is a quick fire start to a new week and we will want to get working hard, fast and smart. There is an independent streak that will overtake our emotions and makes us want to do things on our own.
This is another very quiet day astrologically, and the Moon only makes a couple of major aspects to the other planets. The first is an early square to Saturn moving in Capricorn. This is a difficult connection to handle depressing our emotions and putting the brakes on the Aries Moon that does want to run before it can walk. We may feel slightly reserved in the first half of the day and this aspect makes us albeit briefly more cautious than later on. We may also become a little more distant and not so willing to engage with other people. Left alone will will feel happier to get on with the tasks that we have to do.
That reticence will drift away as we reach around noon in the UK and from then on a sense of adventure and haste will drive us on as the Moon makes an exciting fire trine to Mars moving in Sagittarius. This revs up our emotions to fever pitch, makes us want to take on the world and win. It encourages us to take emotional risks, enlivens our sex drives and gives us the optimism to make brave decisions. Like a downhill skier on a mission to put up the quickest time, our emotions will be on edge in a good way this evening. We will want to hit top speed and go as fast as we can, we will be full of enthusiasm and willing to take on any situation with a smile on our faces and confidence in our abilities to succeed. Our goal will to reach the finishing line before anywhere else, and even the slow start to the day will not hold us back.