Answered on Quora.
Thanks for the A2A. I am familiar with all three.
Lacan is completely full of it. Not only that, he was a fraud who ripped off his clients. He may have ripped off all of us with his nonsense.
Derrida is nonsensical too. He simply made no sense whatsoever. Apparently that is the idea.
Both men took modern philosophy off into postmodernism where nothing is true, so apparently nothing makes sense either. Most of their work is sheer nonsense or strings of incomprehensible or made-up words that sound important or intelligent but really are simply nonsensical.
Foucalt may be a bit more grounded, but I am not sure. I have not studied him enough. But I know some anti-postmodernists hate him and say he is full of crap.
I meet your intelligence qualifications, so it can’t be that I am too stupid to understand these charlatans. If I can’t understand them, I doubt if anyone can.
We need to get off the postmodernist nonsense train and back into the real world where things are supposed to be comprehensible and make sense.