Environment Magazine

Art Auction is Now Open – Place Your Bids!

Posted on the 26 November 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal
Art Auction poster, created by Inkat

Art Auction poster, created by Inkat

The 1st Annual Earth First! Journal Art Auction is now online! The auction hosts over 50 pieces from 30 national and international artists who have donated their work to help the Earth First! Journal reach our $30,000 fund raising goal for 2013.

We were having a few technical difficulties with the site yesterday, but now everything is up and running. In order to participate in our art auction bidders quickly “register” on our website by creating a username and password. If you would like to place a bid or purchase an art donation, you will automatically be lead to our log-in page where the “register” option is just below the log-in section. If you have any issues logging in or bidding feel free to call the EF! Journal office, (561) 320-3840, or email us at collective[at]earthfirstjournal[dot]org.

To see the amazing artwork, register, and start your bidding go to earthfirstjournal.org/auction. Please take your time to look at each piece, as the thumbnail pictures do not do justice to the art!

You can also view the facebook page for the event here.

Bidding is currently set to close in ten days, so get your bids in while you can!

Thank you to everyone who has donated artwork, everyone who has bid on art and everyone that is considering to buy art in support of the Earth First! Journal Collective! We greatly appreciate your support!

For the Wild,

- the Earth First! Journal Collective

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