The following monthly forecast is only valid for those of you with Aries as your rising sign , which is probably different from your Sun sign as it is dependent of the time of your birth rather than on the date of your birth. If you do know exactly or approximately when you were born, please click on the following link to find you Ascendant sign - FIND YOUR ASCENDANT SIGN
Aries Rising - Your Month Ahead - October 2012
Background influences for October
The Sun is making its way in the first three weeks of October through your 7th house of relationships. This is the house of one to one relationships, personal and professional and you will be examining these intently to see where you can improve then. Marriage is highlighted here and your attitudes to your partner will be tested to see if they are functioning well. You know, it's never to late to redouble your efforts to strengthen your bond between you both. In the last week of the month, financial matters like debt and investment and your attitude to sharing and intimacy will be more prevalent to you.
Mercury is moving through Scorpio and your 8th house of sharing, change and intimate issues. The effect of Mercury passing through here may be quite significant. You may long for something to make your life complete, but the object of your desire may be part or fully owned by someone else. Be aware that jealousy can surface from nowhere and can cause all amounts problems, so battles for control of resources can prove upsetting. Subjects like life after death and the unexplained could fascinate you now.
Venus from the 3rd October enters Virgo all month will be passing through your 6th house of routine and health. This position for Venus in general is never great for fostering relationships. Your focus will be very much on work and routine matters and as a result your partner may complain from a lack of attention from you. At work however, thing should be going smoothly with your co-workers and your boss, simply because of the amount of graft that you are putting in. Health wise, you should also be ok, although you may find yourself putting on the odd pound or kilogram as Venus loosens your desire to diet and can give you, albeit temporarily, a rather sweet tooth.
From the 5th through to the 7th 3 planets all change signs, Mars into Sagittarius and Mercury and Saturn simultaneously into Scorpio. Mars brings the urge within you to start to expand your horizons and to learn something new about yourself as Saturn begins a 2 year stay in your 8th house of sharing and learning to accept other people’s values. Hopefully these aims go hand in hand with each other
Specific Planetary Aspects
Early into the month and on the 3rd October we have a Venus Neptune opposition squared by Mars. This occurs in a very inspirational and creative part of your chart so if you do have artistic talents they may be really enhanced now. Any times that you spend with your partner may be quite blissful, but this influence can be very deceptive and you could be duped into making decisions of an emotional or financial nature that you may regret later. Mercury and Saturn conjunct on the 5th October so the atmosphere within your relationship and with significant people will now take a more serious tone. It may be that ideas you have will be blocked causing you frustration, or maybe an older wiser and head will help you now?
The new Moon on 15th in Libra in your 7th house also highlights partnerships and relationships, so new associations can be forged, which in time be beneficial to you. If existing partners are not pulling their weight or aren't supporting you as they should be, then this Libran New Moon which stresses fairness and equality will force you to find out where you may be lacking, or where you can improve those relationships.
On the 17th Uranus receives a double hit from Mars and Pluto giving you a shot of adrenalin and enthusiasm to test out new ideas & systems and to break free from any restrictions in your way. Where are these effects likely to be felt the most? Well, more than likely in your place of work. The enthusiasm within you to try something new and daring may be had to resist. On 25th the Sun combines with Saturn making an easy aspect to Neptune. Following on from your more experimental attitude in the week before, you will probably now have gained a greater understanding of what you want out of life, and how you can achieve it. From any potential blockages of earlier in the month, you may now have more idea of how to release the tension.
The full Moon occurring on the 29th October in Taurus opposes Saturn showing that you do need to look at what you own in relation to what other people have. This includes finances as well as property and possessions, and your own self worth and satisfaction. If you don't feel comfortable with what you have, then you need to do something about it, however remember that any actions can have repercussions. A voice of authority or a senior person may intervene now to block your plans.
For A More Personal Look At The Future
As with all general forecasts, this can only be a rough guide to the movements of the planets and how they may affect you. Would you like this forecast made even more relevant for you?
Get in touch with me at [email protected] providing your birth details or please go to the following link, and I will endeavour to see what the planets have in store for you personally in the next couple of months.
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