Politics Magazine

Are the Gays Pushing Their Luck?

Posted on the 05 February 2017 by Calvinthedog

It’s already been reported hundreds of times as gay male pornography, but Youtube won’t take it down. This crap should never be on Youtube in the first place. Put it on Adults Only X rated sites. That’s the only place this crap belongs.

A lot of the comments are saying that the gays are going too far, pushing their luck, trying to get us to hate them, etc. To say the comments are anti-gay male would be an understatement.

There’s a lot of pretty crazy sexual stuff portrayed in the video. Gay Identity Politics always lies and says that says other than the PIV sex, gays and straights are the same. I guess gay men and straight men are the same. But we are not. If you bring up all the crazy, perverted crap they do, they say, “Well straight people do it too. Straight men do all those things.”

I am sure we do, but not nearly as much. And the number of straight men who like getting fisted must be extremely low or getting pegged with a strap-on period. Most straight men do not like to get fucked in the ass with long, penis shaped objects, even if your girlfriends is the one who put it on.

As far as the other stuff, I believe 37% of gay men practice S/M, B/D and they get pretty hardcore about it too. Most straight men are not into hardcore B/D, S/M. It’s a fringe subculture. If you live or work around the gay subculture in any major city, you hear about “accidents” involving gay men in S/M, B/D sex are very common. It’s not unusual at for deaths to occur in this activity, probably because they are so hardcore about it. Gay men present to emergency rooms all the time from injuries received in this kind of sex. You also see cases of gay men presenting with some object stuck up their ass that cannot be retrieved, and these cases are more common than you would think.

You also read a lot of stories about police finding some gay men tied up in room somewhere, screaming for help. Or a gay man found bound and gagged in some alleyway, unconscious, with a dildo shoved up his ass. Nope, he didn’t get victimized by criminals at all! His circumstances were a result of consensual gay sex gone out of control. The police are often dumbfounded in these cases and are often not sure if some bound, gagged and beaten gay man was victimized by a criminal or if he was just having some fun.

In fact, sexual sadism is so common in the gay male community that some suggest that is the reason why gay men are vastly overrepresented among serial killers. A gay man is vastly more likely to be a serial killer than a straight man. On the other hand, serial killers are extremely rare, so the odds that any given gay man is one must be extremely small. But this goes to show you what might happen if S/M, B/D ever catches on big-time in the straight community. We might end up with a lot more serial killers. I don’t think I’ve ever had a straight male friend who was into sexual sadism heavily.

I had a fag hag girlfriend in Hollywood once. Her idea of a good time on a Friday night was going to a gay bar and hanging out with her gay male friends. Most of her friends were hardcore gay male masochists. Once she told me about her masochistic gay male friend, “He’s not satisfied until the welts are this big.” She held her hands up with eyes bugged out of her skull. I think I said, “That guy is a sick fucking perverted asshole. Why the Hell do you associate with him?” I am not sure I would say that now, but that was in 1983. I’ve never known one straight man who liked to get beat up like that or who even practiced serious sexual masochism period.

Fully 37% of gay men engage in fisting in the past year. The % for straight men must be vanishingly low. This is actually quite a risky sexual activity, and my understanding is that you can really injure or damage your anus by doing this stuff. Also, it’s a dirty little secret, but a lot of the Hepatitis C epidemic is coming directly from this activity, often done at an orgy or group sex scene. There’s a reason for that, but I will not go into it now. Gay men keep insisting that if done properly, this activity is perfectly safe, but that can’t be true.

Sure some gay men fuck women in the ass, but it’s not a common sex act. I’ve only had a few girlfriends who even engaged in this sex act, and I’ve barely done it myself. I don’t think most straight guys are fucking women in the ass all the time. It’s just not happening.

Anilingous or rimming is when a gay man licks another gay man’s anus either on the outside or with the tongue, inside the anus. 62% of gay men engaged in rimming in the past year. This is almost a standard activity in gay porn, and it seems like this sex act is a regular part of many gay men’s sex lives. And from the few peaks I have had at gay porn, they really go at it, plunging their faces in like they haven’t eaten in days. You are supposed to wash up before you do this sort of thing, but gay men either don’t wash up or they don’t do it well enough.

Another dirty little secret that no one talks about is that this sexual act alone is responsibility for a number of diseases in the gay male community. Hepatitis A is spread only this way, and Hep A outbreaks are recorded in gay communities on a regular basis. In addition, the parasites, shigella, giardia, and ameoba are spread this way, causing shigellosis, giardia, and ameobiasis. The last one if amoebic dysentery, a disease endemic to 3rd world countries with terrible sanitation. As many as 20% of gay men test positive for at least one of those bugs at any time, and outbreaks of shigellosis, giardiasis and amoebiasis are quite common in gay communities.

Straight people definitely engage in this activity too, but a lot of of straight women refuse to do it and few volunteer from my experience. It doesn’t seem to be #1 on your average straight woman’s favorite sex act list. Still you do see this in straight porn. The odd thing is that any given group of 50-100 usually tests 0% of the presence of those parasites which are endemic among gay men. There have been several cases recorded in straights. The fact that straights seem to get away with rimming is probably because these pathogens are probably at very low levels in straight society. With gay men, on the other hand, what we call the disease reservoir is seriously infected with these bugs at a near epidemic level. The concept of disease reservoirs is very important in contagious disease but little discussed.

Water sports. Yes there are straight men and women women like to piss on people or get pissed on. It doesn’t seem to be very common. Ask one of your girlfriends if she would like to be on the receiving end of this act, and most women act like they are going to punch you in the face. Once again, doubtful that this is a top 3 sexual activity with straight women. Fully 16% of gay men engaged in water sports in the past year. I doubt if the figure is 2% for straight men.

Coprophilia. That means getting shit on or even better yet, coprophagia, which means getting shit on and eating the shit. You wonder why any human would do such a thing but it actually goes on a fair amount. Fully 8% of gay men engaged in coprophiliac activities in the past year. I doubt if the figure for straight men is 1%.

So you see, gay men are far more perverted than straight men and this is reflected in emergency room admissions, police calls for sexual activity, deaths and injuries during sex, injuries to the anus, not to mention several sexually-transmitted viruses and parasites which nearly absent in straight men.

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