Here’s my token “anti-Semitic” post for the day. Enjoy.
I am running into the phenomenon lately of running into Jews, all males, who all fit the stereotype of obnoxious, rude, combative, know-it-all who know nothing, arrogant, cocky, condescending, belligerent loudmouths. I am talking about the sort of person who when they talk to you, seem to be asking for a punch in the face. It’s that style of verbal engagement.
Now obviously a lot of Gentiles, especially Gentile men, act this way too. We run into them all the time. But I can’t help notice Jew after Jew after Jew after Jew after loudmouthed Jew.
Obviously, both Jews and Gentiles (especially males) engage in this behavior. But I am wondering if Jews are more likely to act this way than Gentiles, statistically?
Am I hallucinating here or am I onto something?
Footnote: I have actually been noting this most of my life, but earlier I was such a Judeophile that I blew it off.
Here are some remarkable recent comments from a Jewish commenter, Aaron, which seem to be saying that I am indeed onto something here and I am not hallucinating.
I would like to thank Aaron for these remarkable comments which are incidentally also very well written. Aaron is one of the best writers and especially thinkers on this site and we are honored to have him.
Aaron: The dirty little secret is that people who dislike Jews do so because they’ve had too many bad experiences with Jews, and for that you can’t be White trash in flyover country where there are almost no Jews. People who have never interacted extensively with Jews tend to have an idealistic attitude towards them.
I’m Jewish, and I have to admit that most of the antisemitic tropes about Jews are correct, broadly speaking. Jews tend to be extremely envious, competitive, full of anger, hatred and contempt towards others, and obsessed with money over all spiritual or aesthetic values. They are backstabbing and unreliable, even among friends.
Living among Jews is like living in Renaissance Italy – which is an early training for gaining and keeping power. Whats more, you begin to realize the Jewish reputation for genius is just self-promotion. Jews tend to be mildly intelligent mediocrities who are obsessed with success and money and achieve it using dishonest means and through obsessive self-promotion and marketing, which in a democracy, naive people don’t realize how effective it can be. As Wittgenstein, himself a Jew, said – at best Jews can have talent, but are never geniuses. All honest Jews eventually realize this.
Growing up Jewish, I thought our behavior was normal and everyone acted like this. It was only by leaving the community and traveling extensively did I realize that we Jews are actually very different and are actually in fact insane. When I tried to tell my Jewish friends that most people don’t act as bad as our community does, they insisted it’s just human nature and other people are the same or worse.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think its “genetic.” It’s a product of a very pathological Jewish culture, and Jews are themselves the first victims of all this. We grow up incapable of feeling happiness or love and with a burning obsession with success and money as if our very lives depended on it. Which, in a sense, is true, as our egos are so fragile we feel we will collapse and die if we don’t achieve “success”.
Is it any wonder that the Jewish country, Israel, has a reputation for coarse rudeness and a pathologically aggressive interpersonal style? And I’m not talking against Arabs but against fellow Jews. Israeli bosses are notorious for withholding pay – you have to fight them for your money. Yet this is exactly what Gentiles have been complaining about Jews since forever! Tell me, why isn’t Sweden or Norway renowned for bosses who withhold pay and for a crazy confrontational style?
If you look into the biography of antisemites, starting with Voltaire, you will find that they’ve been cheated again and again by Jews, and at a certain point couldn’t avoid pattern-recognition.
I say all this not to spread hate against Jews – Jews are as much victims here. The problem is the pathological, materialistic, neurotic obsessed culture Jews grow up in that produces psychopathic behavior inevitably. This culture needs to be addressed within the Jewish community itself, or we will continue getting into trouble and wondering why everyone hates us. But I don’t see much hope of that happening – we prefer to blame others.
Right, WN’s are taking a page from the Jews. Often they are quite honest about doing so – Jews are not that smart, but over the centuries they’ve developed amoral and ruthless strategies that help them gain and keep power. If your goal is simply power and nothing else – not creativity, not art, not philosophy, not civilization – you can go to no better school than the Jews. Of course, these tactics are parasitic, and if everyone does them society collapses, but I don’t think WN’s figured that out yet.
And you’re right about NE Asians too – the “new” Jews. Pathological ambition also infects this group.
Renaiissance Italy did not, after all, flourish for very long. These kinds of behaviors undermine societies.
Donald Trump was mentored by Roy Cohn, a Jew of course, and Trump’s behavior is obviously Jewish in tone and affect to anyone who grew up in NYC. Trump is simply a symptom of Jewish tactics making their way into the Gentile world – and this was inevitable, but it’s tragic all the same.
But if you read Alt-Right and WN websites like Occidental Dissent they are quite explicit about using Jewish tactics. Kevin MacDonald writes extensively about Jewish tactics and how whites should adopt them.
Well, they are, and it’s just going to get worse.
Corporate Jews and “intellectual” academic Jews have a strong thuggish element to them – read some bios of these types. It comes from the upbringing – the way it woks is, an unbelievably intense pressure is created for you to “succeed” so that failure seems like a fate worse than death. This generates the psychic energy that fuels an insane amount of anger and an insanely tenacious clinging to whatever it is your doing. Your life – your psychic life – is literally on the line for every small victory, and the waves of sheer panic and self-hatred that begin to emerge at the prospect of even the tiniest defeat is huge motivation.
It’s a terrible way to live for everyone involved.
Cooperation and altruism can be very effective survival strategy. Psychopathy is very self-undermining – I’ve been stabbed in the back out of sheer envy when I could have been a useful ally. But the psychopath cannot handle it if anyone else has anything good. There is nothing adaptive about this.
And in the long run, this kind of behavior rebounds on you. Look at what happened to the Jews in Germany. Yet it didn’t have to go down like that. The Germans were insane, yes, but if the Jews didn’t do their usual thing do you imagine it would have went down quite like that?
And look at how Jews are busy undermining their own position in America by supporting Muslim immigration out of hatred for Christians.
Psychopathy has its own set of motivations and imperatives that have very little to do with maximizing success and fitness and a lot to do with satisfying pathological emotions that undermine you in the long run.