It’s often said that Jewish women are not attractive, and they even think so themselves. Jewish women have long had neurotic hangups about their appearance, mostly because they tend to be dark haired and dark eyed, and they feel inferior to the blond, blue eyed Gentile woman. There is also a common notion that Jewish men avoid Jewish women like the plague because they remind these men of their mothers with whom they have a conflicted relationship. In addition, Jewish women tend to resent Jewish men as arrogant and narcissistic and obsessed with dating and marrying a blond Gentile woman. So the Jewish women with their hangups about Blond Gentile women are in a sense battling the competition.
I’ve certainly known my share of classically homely Jewish girls and women. In fact, I grew up and went to school with some of them. They were certainly pleasant enough – they were extremely nice people.
However, I have also seen quite a few attractive Jewish women. I had a Jewish girlfriend recently who I thought was beautiful. Well, beautiful for a woman in her 50’s anyway. A former Jewish commenter on this site said that when he was in college, Gentile men were always pretending to be Jewish so they could get into the local Hillel chapter because there were so many beautiful Jewish women in there.
I saw an Israeli dating site recently, and I was going through the women, and many of them were serious knockouts. Surprisingly, the Mizrachi women or Arab Jews were some of the most beautiful of all. They looked something like Arab women. However, many of them seemed moody and neurotic. A typical entry was a pouting, moody 23 year Mizrachi woman describing her stormy emotional life and her typically unsuccessful longing for love. Many of the Mizrachi women from age 20-25 were seriously hot, but then, I love Arab women, and I think they are seriously beautiful, so your mileage may vary.
There have been many famous Jewish porn stars. The men are quite well known, but you would be surprised at how many famous female porn stars were Jewish, including jailbait hottie Tracy Lords! Almost all of them have completely changed their names, and a number have blonde hair. There are Jewish women with blonde hair, but they are not common, and they tend to be bottle blonds. Many of the Jewish female porn stars were knockouts. Well, if you are into Jewish women, that is.