Politics Magazine

Are 24% of All Men Pedophiles?

Posted on the 28 February 2017 by Calvinthedog

There are studies showing that a majority of men are attracted to prepubescents. In fact, 21-26% of men in two studies score “pedophilic” in the lab. They react just as strongly or stronger to girls 2-12 as they go to females 13+. So are 26% of men pedophiles? No. One wonders how these men rationalize this. I assume that if you have maximal attraction to mature females, you could just blow off the attraction to little girls by ignoring or repressing it. What is more important is exclusivity. In the same studies, .1-1% of men score fixated in the lab. They are strongly attracted to prepubescents and have little to no attraction to matures.

I work in mental health, and I don’t care if someone tells me that little girls turn them on. I want to know if they are fixated on them in that they have little to no attraction to matures or if they retain maximal attraction to mature females. We worry about fixated pedophiles because the only thing that turns them on is little girls. That makes them rather dangerous right there. The only way to fulfill their sex drive is to break the law.

To show you the absurdity of irrational women who insist that if you get turned on by teenage girls, you are a pedophile, we can look at lab studies that showed that ~100% of men are attracted to underage teenage girls. They generally show 100% are attracted, but it may be a bit lower for the youngest teens. One study in Italy showed that “only” 88% of men were attracted to 13 year old girls.

One study I found showed declining attraction by age. In that study all of the men were attracted to females down to age 7! And 100% of men were attracted to 16 and 17 year old girls as strongly as they were to adult females.

The results looked like this:

Female Age Reaction

16+        100%
15         90% of maximum
14         80% of maximum
13         70% of maximum
12         60% of maximum
11         50% of maximum
10         40% of maximum
9          30% of maximum
8          20% of maximum
7          10% of maximum
below 7    Zero

As you can see, as females get younger and younger and look less and less like an adult female, men’s attraction to them decreases in tandem. Men are just as attracted to 16 and 17 year old girls as they are to adult women because girls that age have the fully adult body of a woman. So according to this study, all men are turned on by little girls but only at a relatively low level. As the girls get younger and younger, men are less and less attracted to them as they look less and less like the men’s preference, the mature female. The only thing we can say is that it is quite abnormal to be attracted to females below age 7!

Little in life is black or white, but most people are too stupid to figure this out. Most everything in life is on a continuum. In other words, everything’s a gray area. But start talking like that around 90% of people and watch as they the voices rise and the fists pound the table. Most humans are simply too dumb to move beyond primitive black and white thinking.

We can clearly see by this study that all normal men react just as strongly to girls age 16-17 as they do to adult women. So these women saying that men who are attracted at this age range are pedophiles are not making sense. These women are stating that all adult men are pedophiles. Do they really wish to stand by this stunning statement? Do they really wish to scream that all men are pedophiles? That’s quire a remarkable statement to make. Why don’t they try it and see what reaction they get?

For fixated pedophiles, the graph no doubt looks quite different. Peak attraction will be around their AOA or Age of Attraction, and AOA will decline as the girls move out of the age of attraction, especially towards the higher end. A number of pedophiles even show non-pedophilic attraction to 13-15 year old girls because girls this age retain enough childlike features to be attractive to them, but the attraction declines with each increasing year of age. By age 16, even most hebephiles refer to girls this age as “grandmas” and voice strong disgust for them.

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By Justin Kase
posted on 30 May at 07:02

Can you post links to the studies or post the title of the studies? I'm having a hard time finding studies liek this but I know I've read a couple.