Politics Magazine

Answering Wetsern Lies About Ukraine

Posted on the 28 August 2014 by Calvinthedog

Rantus writes:

No, I’m not a “Ukrainian Nationalist Guy”, and let me ask you a simple question: would you want to live under Russian rule? Because if you can’t see that all that’s really happening here is Putin attempting to reconstitute the old Soviet Empire then you’ve got blinders on. Everything about the current Russian govt is dirty. Their fire sales of state owned industries and assets to their own oligarchs makes American pay to play look squeaky clean in comparison.

The bottom line is they invaded, and they didn’t invade because the separatists were winning. They invaded because they were on the ropes and getting their asses kicked. If Putin could have pulled if this coup by proxy without ever putting boots on the ground do you really think he wouldn’t have? It would have saved him all kinds of face. But he couldn’t , so he invaded. Its simple tactical logic.

Now you’re gonna see what him and his gangster government are really about.

The commenter’s talking points are straight from the Ukie nationalist playbook. I wonder what his ethnic background is?

Whether or not I would like to live under Russian rule is irrelevant. Why this is an important question?

He is not trying to reconstitute the USSR, but I was a fan of the USSR anyway, so I would not mind if he was. Anyway, the USSR was a country for a very long time. Why would it be so bad if they all merged into one country again and called it the Russian Federation?

The truth is that there are all sorts of places that are clamoring to be part of Russia because they hate living under their present rulers. South Ossetia and Abkhazia have been pleading to join Russia forever. Ditto with Transdniestria. Russia has been turning them all down for a very long time now. If Putin wants to recreate the USSR, why didn’t he annex Transdniestria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia? The “expansionist Putin” argument is insane.

Also the Novorussians pled for a long time to join Russia. This is what most of the people genuinely wanted. Russia turned them down. How is turning down people who want to annex themselves onto you expansionist? This argument is crazy.

True, Putin took Crimea back, but it’s always been part of Russia anyway. Then it was always part of the USSR. It ended up in Ukraine by accident after 1991. The Crimeans have been clamoring to get back into Russia since the first day of Ukie independence. A recent poll found that 97% of Crimeans support being a part of Russia.

Do people have something against self-determination?

As a matter of fact, the separatists have been winning since the middle of August but the Western media has been lying all this time and saying they were losing. If you only read the Western press, you will truly end up thinking that up is down.

The rebels were indeed on ropes up until August 1, which then turned into a stalemate from August 1-15, which has then turned into a rebel romp from August 15-now.

It’s not a coup. The Novorussian people simply do not want to live in the same state as these Nazis. The Novorussian forces have 75% support in the region. It is a legitimate grassroots revolution as most armed separatist movements are.

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