Rumors and hearsay have been a dime a dozen since the bombshell of an AIPG dropped on us and since the results were postponed, there seems to have been an explosion of sorts in the kinds of news just flying around. And like all other med students and PG perspirants, even I have been monitoring that virtual cesspool of frustrated souls, RxPG Online. I came across a post on the site that finally seems a bit genuine in its content. Take a look, I am quoting verbatim from the site:
A group of students from Delhi went to meet the adnl. DGHS Medical Educations to seek clarifications and express their apprehensions about the delay in results and the proposed online counseling system. The important points which were conveyed to them by Adnl DGHS ME were:
1. Online counseling window period will be a one week long period which will get over on the 2nd of April.
2. Second online counseling window period will also be a one week long period which will get over by 2nd May.
3. More people have qualified in AIPG this year than in the past 4-5 years. How this has been ensured was not conveyed.
4. DGHS has applied to the supreme court seeking approval for the online counseling. When the original application was made has not been specified but a request for early consideration of the application by the Supreme Court was made on 14th Feb by the Government counsel giving reasons i.e. ( prospectus specifying 15th Feb as the proposed date of the result). The application has yet not been taken up by the Supreme Court. The result will be declared as soon as the application is approved by the Hon’be Supreme Court.
5. As per the application 5 times the total number of candidates will be called for online counseling this time instead of the usual 1.4 times. However only students who have qualified (50% marks in General Category and 40% in SC/ST) will be eligible for online counseling. The above 2 lines may be interpreted as whichever is less.
6. The counseling will be online as in the students will be allotted a username and password. When the online counseling window commences they will have an unlimited number of options to fill in preference. However whenever they fill in a preference for a seat a mock rank displaying their order of merit for that particular seat will be displayed. This mock rank will keep getting updated in real time as the seven days progress.
7. For example if the mock rank for a person for XYZ seat at ABC college is 5 at the end of seven days and the number of seats in general category is also 5 for that branch at that college then that person will be allotted the seat.
8. For division of seats between categories there will be a point roster instead of the previously practiced method. In a point roster seats in every college and every branch have already been earmarked for a particular category just as already happening in a lot of state PG’s.
9. A SC/ST student scoring more than 50% will be eligible to take seats either from general quota or from reserved category. A SC/ST student scoring 48% will only be eligible to take seat from his/her particular quota.
10. The reason for seeking online counseling is that previous Supreme court guidelines for in person counseling state that no more than 200 students can be called for counseling in a single day. For 5200 (all seats including reserved category seats and MDS seats) counseling would have stretched to about 35 days (27 working days plus Sundays plus holidays).
11. In addition to the above a lot of seats get wasted every year or get transferred to state PG s. The DGHS by online counseling wants to reduce the above number.
12. The DGHS also wants to reduce the traveling that students have to do in taking a seat then joining it then leaving it and then taking another seat in second counseling and then repeating the process over and again.
13. For the DGHS(ME) the purpose of the whole exercise is to benefit students. They regret the delay that has been caused and are trying their very best to ensure that the application is considered by the Supreme Court at the earliest.
14. The approval from the Hon’ble Supreme Court is necessary as it ensures that no case staying counseling and seat allotment can be filed in the lower courts after result has been declared.
15. The jist of the entire meeting is
a. Result will be declared as soon as IA is approved by the Hon’ble Supreme Court which may be any time this week.
b. More number of candidates have qualified AIPG than in the last 4-5 years.
c. First window of week long online counseling will close on 2nd April and 2nd will close on 2nd May.16. The whole purpose of writing this post is that everyone comes to know what is going. People will as always write snide remarks about this effort or search for a conspiracy theory but that is their choice and hopefully better sense will prevail over them. If I remember any other point being brought up or conveyed I will write that too.
17. Also the DGHS(med ed) cannot declare result without the Supreme court approving the application as current Supreme court guidelines only allow DGHS to declare the result of 1.4 times candidates the number of seats. This number till a few years ago used to be 1.25. However as per application filed DGHS is trying to increase this number to 5 times . Hence the wait for Supreme court approval and the delay.
18. Another point worth mentioning is that the DGHS (med ed) did not wake up at the last moment to apply for the online counseling. They firstenvisaged it in September and approached the NIC for it. You can think of the NIC as being the software engineer of the government. The DGHS (med ed) proposes and plans the online counseling but it is the NIC which has to implement it. The go ahead from the NIC took time .
19. As soon as that was done the DGHS (med ed) filed the application. Hon’ble Supreme Court has a multitude of matters before it. In view of that DGHS (med ed) have filed application for urgent consideration.
20.Even in the prospectus for AIPG it is written that they are applying for online counseling.
21. The total number of seats (as yet) for this year is around 100 more (around 5200 including all category and MDS seats) than last year.
22. About difficulty in online couselling DGHS (med ed) believes that since 12th pass students have no problem in doing online counseling for AIEEE then why should doctors have a problem doing the same for AIPG.
23. About documents they will be checked at the time of admission in the respective colleges. And I dont think many fake candidates (non doctors) would have been able to do so well in this AIPG so as to find their name in the merit list.
24. An IA is an Intermediate application to a case. In our case it is probably an old case dating back to 1994 (not sure).
25. Also although they are saying that they plan to call 5 times as many students as seats that does not necessarily mean that 25,000 have qualified this year and are eligible. 25 K is just an upper limit or upper ceiling not just for this year but also for future years till when this system is in place. The actual number of qualified and eligible candidates will in all probability be much less.
26. We students here in Delhi are also trying to trace the status of the application in the Supreme Court through various sources. If we do get some information we will surely update this forum with it.
Now there are several points that raises doubts in the mind but overall, this seems logically a good fit with the exam system and I would like to think that this is a genuine thread. Also, since IAs are dealt with on Tuesdays and Fridays, the result should be out on a Wednesday or a Saturday.
…which brings me to the point that today’s a Saturday! But apparently the date for the hearing has been set on the 28th February, and since there is no opposition, the verdict should pass unopposed. Expected dates of results are therefore predicted to be on the 29th by the knowledgeable crowd.
All well and good, though I am worried how students who have interest in multiple disciplines will end up doing the whole online counseling business. Anyways. Only time can tell, and for now, the only thing to do is to wait and watch and “enjoy” life!