Politics Magazine

Ann Coulter Blasted As an Antisemite for Telling the Truth About Jews

Posted on the 24 September 2015 by Calvinthedog

True hardcore antisemites definitely exist, that’s for sure. But Ann Coulter is not one of them. She is the opposite, a Judeophile. But even Judeophiles are often exasperated by the way Jews endlessly and hyperaggressively push the envelope.

The latest fake outrage concerns one of the biggest Judeophiles on Earth, Ann Coulter. But according to the Jews, even their best friends are secret haters. I guess everybody hates the Jews then! Fine! Now that we all agree, can we stop talking about it?

Coulter simply remarked in exasperation that Republican candidates seem to spend more time talking about what Israel wants and not what America wants. Well, of course this is exactly what all of the Republican candidates do. America doesn’t even matter anymore to most politicians. They care everything about Israel and nothing about America. Everything for Israel, nothing for America. That’s US politics in a nutshell. They would gladly sell the nation down the tubes forever just to sate their lust for the Jewish state.

Why the entire political spectrum kisses Israeli ass is a difficult question to answer, although there are many theories. One reason perhaps is the nuclear missile the Jews launch at you if you stop kissing their butt.

“Ann Coulter made appalling, anti-Jewish remarks which evoked the classic, anti-Semitic trope about Jewish manipulation of America for the purpose of supporting Israel at America’s expense,” said the ‘self-denying’ Klein.

The problem is that this classic anti-Semitic trope is “classic,” meaning it’s been around forever, exactly because it’s true! This exactly what Jews do everywhere they go. They try to get ahold of the levers of power for the nation in order to promote the tribe or at least avoid harm to it. And in the US, of course American Jews manipulate the political process to support Israel at America’s expense! That’s as obvious as the nose on my face.

If that’s anti-Semitism, then apparently the truth is anti-Semitic. I guess the only way not to be an anti-Semite is to lie. If the truth is anti-Semitic, then I am a proud anti-Semite.

And you should be true. We should all support the truth. If believing in the truth makes us “racist,” we should welcome the charge with open arms.

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By Daniel Borchers
posted on 24 September at 15:54

Coulter has a very long history of hostility toward Jews. Her tweets were not gaffes. They reflect her heart.

See “Jews: Quality, not Quantity” at http://wp.me/p4jHFp-al.