Politics Magazine

Analytical Thinkers Adrift in a Conretistic, Illogical World

Posted on the 03 June 2017 by Calvinthedog

On the other hand, high IQ is no guarantee of good critical thinking. I know people with genius IQ’s who engage in lousy, erroneous, non-critical thinking all the time. This is because they are emotional. Their emotions override and shut down their critical thinking skills.  Emotion and logic mixes about as well as oil and water. Also many of these people are stuck on their old ideas and they do not wish to challenge or reject the stuff they have been believing their whole life. Challenging long-held assumptions about how the works is probably upsetting to most people and no doubt causes a lot of anxiety. So people just carry on with their same old  erroneous and dumb attitudes because changing them is just too upsetting.

I’m not saying analytical thinking is everything. If anything, it is very alienating because the world operates on concrete thinking. Concrete thinking with its concordant logical fallacies are the norm for most humans. Sure it’s a dumb way to think, but most people think in pretty dumb ways. That’s just how humanity is.

So if you are an analytical thinker, you are always running into people spouting off their erroneous and concretistic bullshit. In addition, concrete thinking is often hateful and it is injurious to other humans.

This is because when you change from concrete to analytical thinking, you realize that people are a lot less contemptible than you thought they were.

Concrete thinking leads to hate and prejudice. One thing concrete thinkers do is to assume the worst about people. Say you observe a behavior, a guy hiking down a trail, or you read an essay someone wrote. If you are thinking concretely, you are much more likely to be suspicious and  believe that the thinker is up to no good.

An example. I used to live in the woods. I often walked down dirt roads with binoculars and a birdwatching book in my pocket. Why? I am a fanatical birdwatcher! There were homes scattered all through these foothill woods, but I never cared much about the people. I was there to look at birds, not people. I did not train my binoculars on a human or a home on even one occasion. I’ve seen plenty of humans and houses. When I am out watching, if you are not a bird, you are “in the way.” You might as well not even be there. The humans and the houses are at best blocking the view of the birds!

A friend later confided in me that a lot of people who lived down those roads really hated me for my birdwatching. Apparently they had no idea that I was birdwatching, probably because they were too stupid to figure out that that is what I was doing. My friend said that many of the residents felt that I was some sort of sexual pervert or criminal who was looking into people’s homes with my binoculars. Why? Just to be a weirdo invading people’s privacy or maybe as a peeper and voyeur looking to get a peek at a naked woman. Funny thing is I never looked inside a home one time. I never trained my binocs on a human even one time.

So you can see that this concretistic, dumb-ass thinking was very injurious to me. It led to me being hated by many of my neighbors for absolutely no reason at all.

If there were analytical thinkers on that road, they would not have thrown so much hate in my direction. Most of them would have probably seen me and come up with different hypotheses about what I was doing. Perhaps some would have entertained the hypotheses that I was a freak or a voyeuristic peeper.

But they would probably entertain other hypotheses too, such as that maybe I was a birdwatcher. For instance, many times I would be looking up in some tree or into some thicket at a bird. There’s no naked humans or humans period up in those trees or those bushes. The analytical thinkers may have tested their hypotheses by carefully observing my behavior. This would be how they tested their various hypotheses. It’s called gathering data. Next they would test the data against the different hypotheses to see which hypothesis explained the data best.  After seeing me mostly looking at trees, forest and thickets where there were no humans and maybe even seeing me reach for my Peterson guide now and again, they would probably conclude that I was a birdwatcher. Then they would shrug their shoulders and walk away.

Because the analytical thinker entertained a variety of hypotheses about what I might be doing, he would be much less likely to conclude that I was some criminal peeper weirdo up to no good.

In addition, concretistic thinking is highly associated with logical fallacies. Logical fallacies are by definition erroneous thinking because they may very well lead to the wrong answer. Logical fallacies are the cause of much misery and even death and injury of other humans. Most of the hate in the world can be traced back to some logical fallacy that some person is engaging in that is driving their hatred of other humans.

Because many higher IQ people prefer analytical thinking to concrete thinking, it is painful to have to be assaulted by tidal waves of concretistic crap and logical fallacy all day long. Pretty soon you start thinking that the world is full of idiots. You get tired of correcting people’s crappy thinking and logical errors and being a scold doesn’t win you many friends anyway. I can barely tolerate a concrete thinker in my presence unless he is in a friendly mood. It is actually physically painful to be around them. We feel it in our bones.

Logical fallacies are by their nature illogical. A synonym for illogical is irrational. if something is irrational and illogical, it doesn’t make sense and it’s usually a lie or a false statement. If you think logically (analytically) it is very trying to stroll through what boils down to an extremely irrational quotidian existence.

You are surrounded all day long by irrational people who can’t think or talk sense. People who can’t think or talk sense are senseless. So analytical thinkers must deal with a daily assault, usually hundreds or thousands of times a day, of utter senselessness. Hence to analytical thinkers, most of the people they meet in their daily existence seem quite senseless. Everywhere they go, senselessness, lies, BS stupid thinking, irrationality, and utter nonsense is punching them in the face. By the end of the day, they’ve been belted in the face by nonsense maybe thousands of times.

You wonder why those 160+ IQ men I discussed in an earlier  post were so disgusted with people that they had become lonely misanthropes who spent most of their time in solitude in small apartments.

There’s your reason.

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