Absolutely immaculate. I have been observing these things all of my life. It also shows why the White working class or WWC (which really overlaps with the White middle class) hates the poor so much. Why they hate the professional classes so much. Why they love the rich so much. Why they are so frustrated with the bullshit issues of the Cultural Left so much. Why they hate the White Democratic Party elites so much – exemplified by Hillary Clinton. I don’t want to call the Democratic Party elites (DNC) liberals because that’s not what they are – there’s nothing liberal about them.
About how Democratic projects to help the poor with social programs always fail for the WWC and why the WWC resent them so much. About the almost crazy levels of work ethic and workaholism in the WWC. About the extreme level of self-sacrifice and value of decent, moral and thrifty behavior that this class has long exemplified. About the lack of proletarian consciousness in the WWC, their love of the rich, and the desire of so many of them to own their own business (to become bourgeois). About how they don’t just want a job – they want a good job. About why so many of them dislike unions. About why they hate the professional classes – doctors are quacks, lawyers are shysters, professors are idiots and teachers are despised and suspect. All of these are mostly hated as know it all’s who look down on the WWC.
About how white liberal elites sneering at WWC people for being racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and xenophobic arouses such hatred among these people. I mean Hell, I have been Cultural Left my whole life, and in the last 10-20 years, the Cultural Left has gone so bonkers that I of all people am now an evil reactionary Nazi fascist sexist, racist, bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, xenophobic freak. And I am still Cultural Left. I am just Cultural Left from a ways back, just not Cultural Left Full Insanity 2017. If they have this much hatred for a decent liberal like me, consider how much the Cultural Left must hate the real rednecks of the WWC!
About why the WWC hates the poor as shiftless, profligate bums sucking off the public teat while the WWC must work their tail off, gets no benefits, and has to eat beans out of a can.
About how WWC contempt for the shiftless and immoral poor overlaps with racism. Hint: it’s rooted in behavioral differences between the WWC and the non-White underclass. About how pride in America and patriotardism are very deeply rooted in the WWC and about how much they hate liberal upper middle class college students and college educated “traitors to America.” About how much they love cops and hate these same college educated elites for being cop-haters.
About how Donald Trump was the first politician in a long time who actually spoke to these people. About why they love Trump for being a rich man who is contemptuous of professionals and liberal elites. About how much they love Trump’s “straight talk.” About how straight talk is tied into WWC men’s sense of masculinity and their dislike of elite liberal “wussy” men who beat around the bush and don’t give you a straight answer about anything. About how much both male and female WWC people value good, hard masculinity in men and why they see Trump as a real man and elite liberal men as a bunch of wusses. About how they do not want to join the elite upper middle classes that they dislike so much but instead wish to live their same WWC lifestyles but with somewhat more money.
About how the immiseration of this class has humiliated a class that values pride of manhood, family, town, culture and nation so much and takes hits to their pride so hard. About how this devastating loss of pride and sense of humiliation led not only to the election of Trump but to the current declines in life expectancy among the WWC, and the concurrent epidemics of alcoholism, domestic abuse of various kinds, suicide and opioid use
I will confess straight up. I never liked WWC values, although we inherited some of this as a White middle class family that also always lived in the edge and was constantly in debt. I grew up to never-ending tales of financial woes while living in a very nice White middle class neighborhood that would be considered a wealthy neighborhood full of mansions in most of the world. The White middle class of professionals I grew up with shared many values with the WWC.
My father was a man of endless sacrifice who nearly felt that fun was a sin. But he sure gave a lot of his money to us, though he moaned while he did. There’s a sense of deep generosity in my father that ran concurrently with the nearly masochistic workaholism, priggishness, suspicion of leisure and fun, and value of decent living, thrift, and deeply moral behavior. My father’s values were not that different from the rock-ribbed WWC family’s next door.
I am afraid that commenters and like Trash and Jason Y just do not understand the WWC or even WMC (the overlap) very well. I know these people like the back of my hand, though I do not share their values and honestly I despise a lot of their values as sanctimonious, silly, naive, masochistic, and ultimately reactionary. I never saw why they had to see life as such a hardass, miserable game. I always hated their contempt for the poor, the educated and the professional classes. Their love of the rich is disgusting and repellent. Their lack of proletarian consciousness and adopted bourgeois mindset (if only in fantasy) is infuriating. The contempt for the shiftless, the profligate, the irresponsible, and the hedonists seems vicious and senseless. I do not hate any of these people. Their embrace of the politics of resentment is sickening. Their racism makes me shake my head.
But hey look. They are not changing anytime soon. They are what they are. This is the way they are. This is their culture. It’s not going away, and in fact, it’s getting worse. We must deal with reality as it is, not as we wish it should be as females, SJW’s and other dreamer types are wont to do.
We must deal with the reality of these people and their culture, quit showering abuse on them, and figure out a way to get them to vote for us. We are not going to change their culture. Only they can do that, and I don’t think they want to change. If anything, they want to act even worse.
The first step to dealing with a problem is to define it and understand it in the first place. We must understand these people as they really are, not as our lies and fantasies make them out to be. You can’t get the right answer if you keep asking the wrong questions. We on the Left are not doing any of these things. We are failing to even remotely understand these people in the first place, which means we keep asking the wrong questions. The wrong questions just keep giving you the wrong answers, which is what we keep getting.
I would urge Democrats and liberals to read this article and attempt to deal with these people as they are, not as we wish and dream them to be, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. The response of the Democrats to the anti-SJW backlash has been to double down on the insanity and make everything worse. Like I said, they refuse to even ask the right questions.
And about the true dangers of what might happen when the WWC figures out that voting for Trump didn’t work and instead made things even worse. That’s right – they will go even further rightwing than they already area.