This is an example of scientistic nonsense.
There are many more.
One of my articles shows via a number of, yes, scientific studies, that all adult heterosexual men are attracted to minor females, especially 13-17, but also as many people refuse to believe, age 12-below. The number of adult males attracted to females below age 12 differs across the studies. I recall figures of 100%, 90% and 50%. One study showed a steady decline in attraction towards girls with the decline beginning at age 15 with 90% of max arousal and then steadily declining down to 12-below, where all men were experiencing arousal, but at a lesser and lesser level as the girls got younger. The study bottomed out at age 7.
That all men are attracted to teenage girls is self-evident. The only men who aren’t turned on by jailbaits of JB’s are dead men and gay men. So if you are a straight man who says teenage girls don’t turn you on, you’re either lying or you’re gay. Sure, men can be maximally turned to females 16+ and turned on, but a lower level, decreasing with age, as girls get younger. In other words, yes, young girls 12-under turn on men, but they don’t turn them on very much. It ends up being a “meh” moment. But no, everything has to be all or nothing. We can’t even have 1% arousal to a girl. That throws you out of the normals and into the sicko pedophile category.
This is because most idiotic humans in our modern era believe that the only normal men are men who experience:
100% arousal to adult women
0% arousal to girls under the age of 18.
This is the only way to be normal. If that bottom figure creeps even into 1%, you go out of the Normal category and into some species of Pedophile category. Of course this goes against everything that sexologists have learned about male sexuality since the field began, but humans are quick to reject science when it doesn’t come up with the right conclusions.
I have no idea why this is so controversial.
Anyway, someone posted this over in some incel forum. Although the article pointed out that adult men were turned on girls age 7-12 but only at a much lower level, that finding was disregarded. Instead, the findings about JB’s were the source of the conflict. The study found that men were aroused by girls age:
15: 90% of max
14: 80% of max
13: 70% of max
Other studies have found that all normal males react at a maximal level to females age 13+. It is the findings on girls age 2-12 that are so controversial. The teenage girls aren’t even up for grabs. Everyone knows how men feel about them.
Well, the forum went into a wild frenzy. “Scientistic” types began demanding to see good studies documenting this obvious fact that men are turned on by teenage girls. When the studies were presented, the scientistic people immediately began tearing them apart, saying they were poorly done, not controlled, had selection bias, etc. Then there were not enough studies. We needed replication.
The completely retarded thing about this whole discussion was that the question that they were demanding endless replicated and perfectly conducted studies to decide was one that shouldn’t even need a lab. The only reason it got tested at all, I assume, is because people are idiots. The question is:
Are normal adult men turned on by teenage girls?
Well of course they are!
I arrived at this conclusion independent of any science whatsoever. I don’t scientific studies to live my normal day to day life. To me, this is simply the obvious truth based on years, nay decades of observation of adult males. Of course it’s true! Obviously it’s true! How could it not be true? Over 95% of the things I and probably you believe in our day to day lives were arrived at via this simple method. Observation, hypothesis making, hypothesis testing (call it real life reality testing), and conclusion. We are all (hopefully) engaging in this mini empiricism with and endless variety of objects and ideas about our lives and our world. Most of the things we believe derive from the following principle, which is after all, the very first principle in science:
Back when science was first getting off the ground, it was soon agreed that the first step in any scientific study was simply observation. The scientist simply observes some interesting natural phenomenon. He then makes some sort of a hypothesis about this phenomenon – either its nature, etiology, or purpose. He decides if it is a temporary phenomenon that means not much or if it is part of some overall pattern. If it is part of a pattern, he conducts studies to try to show what that pattern is.
This is precisely what you, me, and every other thinking human does day in and day out every single day. We know so many things we know because we have observed them a number of times so that we have made a hypothesis about what is going on. We have decided what is true and what is not true, and what is partially true, and when, where, why, and how?
My point is that that is Scientism taken to its most idiotic form.
First humans deny the obvious for sociological reasons – in this case, a preposterous Western society that has decided that any adult man who is aroused by a teenage girls is a pedophile. Of course this goes against the wisdom of our elders and surely the views of over 95% of tribal groups ever studied.
In fact, I would love to see one tribal group anywhere that decided that adult men getting aroused by girls under 18 was anything but 100% normal. Sociological beliefs come with enforcement: social sanction, employment sanction, and possibly even legal sanction. Many sociological beliefs are blatantly false, yet societies continue to believe in them anyway.
This is incidentally true for most tribal societies, who believed crazy things not just because they lacked the science to know that they were wrong but because their societies told them certain things were facts. Society is by its nature conforming, and for good reason. You can hardly have a society of nonconformists. The pressure to believe society’s Lies Du Jour is profound. Your social life, your livelihood, your sanity and even your status as a free man may well depend on it. You defy society’s lies at your own peril.
The very idea that such an obvious fact of human existence like adult men’s arousal to teenage girls would even have to be scientifically tested at all is the worst sort of Scientism. Why in God’s name would anyone test such an obvious thing.
Well, for one, they might test it because society tells them that what they know to be true is actually false.
And this study and its reactions show just how stupid scientistic types are. Not only do they preposterously ask for a scientific test of one of the most obvious truths of mankind – but they reject the obvious conclusion (which lines up with millenia of accumulated cultural wisdom) demanding more tests, better tests, replication, more controls, better selection of subjects, on and on.