Politics Magazine

An Antisemite of the Anti-Zionist Variety

Posted on the 15 April 2017 by Calvinthedog

The Jews now say that there are all sorts of types of antisemites. They have a list of all of them, most of which do not apply to me. However, I am definitely an antisemite of a certain variety.  I am “an antisemite of the anti-Zionist variety.”

So the ((( ))) doesn’t mean Jew, it means pro-Israel. That’s why Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein don’t get ((( ))), and quite a few Gentiles do. Really a (((Gentile))) is just as bad as a (((Jew))), and a Gentile and a Jew minus parentheses are just as good as each other. Outside of Israel, I pretty much could care less about Jews.

I am progressive, and many Jews are a great part of our movement and always have been. I have searched for other reasons to hate these people, but honestly there is nothing there for me.

Sure, they are a bit aggressive, and there is the “loudmouthed Jew” stereotype, but they are not all like this. I grew up with Jews, and my family had Jewish friends who were not like this. They were some of the most honest people I ever met. Anyway the belligerent, somewhat sociopathic Jew stereotype (for which there is some validity) only applies to Jewish men. Most Jewish women are very sweet and nice and they are quite nurturing. They’re also good fucks contrary to stereotype. I had a Jewish girlfriend for 5 1/2 years, and I almost married her. I also almost converted to Jewdism due to her. Now I am not sure I want to convert, as Jewdism is all wrapped up in Israel, and when it comes to Israel, my views are not much different from Saddam Hussein’s.

Jews are all over the place. On any question, you pretty much have Jews all over the map on it taking every and any side you can take.

Antisemitism has always been rightwing.

The argument is the Jews are purveyors of filth and modernity, but Gentiles would do the same, and Jews don’t do it to weaken us, they simply do it to make a buck.

I asked a Jewish multimillionare (Bronfman) this question. I said,  “Are you guys putting out all this porn to weaken us? Come on, be honest. I don’t care what you think.” He laughed and said, “I’d admit if it we were doing that, but really we’re just in it to make a buck. My family runs hotels, and the porn channels in the hotels are extremely profitable.

The decline in culture has hit the Jews pretty badly themselves, as many of them have fallen sway to the general degeneracy that they supposedly promote. So they are weakening their own if they are doing this.

The other argument is Jews as purveyors of Communism, socialism, Leftism, and in general of all of the progressive movements we now think of as the Cultural Left. These leftwing Jews have other motivations, mostly being a light unto nations to bring progress into the world for the Gentiles. It is a bit insulting, as it implies that we can’t do it on our own, but maybe we can’t, and we need their help. I mean Gentiles left to their own devices quickly end up electing Hitlers, Reagans, Trumps, Thatchers, Pinochets, Christianis, D’Aubussions, Banzers, Francos, Salazars, Mussolinis, Streussners, Quislings, Rios Montts, Trujillos, Bautistas, Alfonsins, Harpers, and other monstrosities.

I could care less if the motivation is somewhat insulting. If they want to lead the way to progress, so be it. As far as Jews as Commies, well I am pretty much one myself. As far Jews leading the modern progressive movements, I supported all of the various Liberation movements of the 1960’s and was a hippie, a movement led by Jews. So the hatred of progressivism and liberation and subsequent antisemitism is just reactionary crap.

Another argument is that the Jews are a bunch of crooks, white-collar criminals.

This is true to some extent, but the Jewish non-businessmen I have known were quite honest. In fact, I feel I could go over to their house, give them $300,000, assure them that holding it was not illegal, ask to come back in 4 months and get the money back, whereby I would give them $10,000 for their trouble. I am certain that when I returned, these Jews would give me the whole thing back without even stealing a nickel. Plus these Jews probably wouldn’t ask me how I got it, whereas these uptight Gentiles might freak on that.

At one point, there was indeed a split between Europeans (often Northern European) ways of doing business such as the gentleman businessmen of the Great Lakes region and the town businessman of early Germany who were honest if only to keep peace in the town.

These town businessmen reported that everything would be fine until some Jews came in, started being crooked and soon ran the Gentiles out of business and then monopolized the place.

The Germanic businessmen of say Minnesota in the late 1800’s simply had a sort of Germanic honor code for doing business where profits were often split up by various town businessmen, and there was not a lot of people running each other out of business. Instead of that, there was market division.

There was also a typical Germanic efficiency, politeness and decency where a man’s word was his honor, and a handshake was as good as swearing on Bibles. In fact, in these places, Gentile businessmen who acted like crooks were quickly outed, boycotted and even prosecuted. The family name became mud, and they were cursed and avoided on the streets as outcasts. The wealth of the family was often ruined, as they had more or less dishonored their family names similar to the Northeast Asian codes of moralistic honor, guilt, shame and outcasting.

These Germanic businessmen were appalled at the Jewish businessmen moving into their state because their business tactics were so low and cunning. Also the Jews tended to bring some Organized Crime. You can actually find old newspapers from the 1890’s Great Lakes Area discussing this sort of thing.

The problem with this Jews as White Collar liars, cheaters and thieves analysis is that modern business has become so “Judaized,”‘ particularly the New York businessmen like Trump whose style is “ultra-Jewish,” that the Gentile businessmen nowadays are as much liars, cheaters and thieves as the Jews or maybe even worse.

I would rather be ruled by the Jewish Rich than by the Gentile Rich. The Gentile Rich are Donald Trumps, the Jewish Rich by Sulzbergers, nasty but still preferably to the Trumps, as rich Jews are quite a bit more progressive than rich Gentiles and surely less inclined to fascism.

Another argument is that Jews are not alone in being lying, cheating, thieving businessmen.

Indians have the same reputation, and theirs is actually much worse than Jews, as Jewish crooked businessmen are often nevertheless politically liberal. Indian white collar crooks have all of the bad qualities of Jews and none of the good  qualities, which are considerable.

The Chinese also seem to be some pretty sharp and harsh businessmen. They seem to be just as bad as Jews or even worse, as when they obtain an elite status such as in the Philippines, they quickly destroy the country by turning it into a banana republic tin pot dictatorship. They are quite similar to Latin American White Rich. Actually they are worse, as the Filipino Chinese ruling class in Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines are actually out and out criminals. I mean as in Organized Crime criminals. Like that. Jews in the US don’t go in for that much these days, though they did 75 years ago.

So if Chinese and Indians have all of the bad qualities of Jews and none of the good qualities, why hate Jews? What’s the point? I suppose you could hate Jews, Chinese and Indians, but now you hate nearly half the human race, and for what Godly purpose? Capitalists are pretty much crooks the world over, as capitalism turning to Organized Crime is about as inevitable as the transformations to Fascism or Modern Feudalism that it is nearly a Law of Political Science as the other Marxist maxims are.

The main argument nowadays is a racial one and has been for some time now: Jews as destroyers of the White race.

First of all, I doubt if they are, as I know some pro-White Jews who call themselves White Europeans and wish to live in White European societies, as these are the best ones. They also think that it was Jews who substantially made White European societies as pleasant as they are, and they are correct. Jews I have known, especially from Detroit and New York, were quite racist against Blacks, much more openly racist than most Gentiles. I am not a White nationalist and I could care less about the White race, so I do not care about “Jews as enemies of the Aryan race” arguments, never mind the extremely nasty history of this argument. And this argument is extremely rightwing.

There are religious arguments against Jews purveyed by both Muslims and Christians. I am not a Muslim, so I could care less about their beefs with the Jews. Anyway, Muslims act as bad as Jews or probably a lot worse. Christian antisemitism has always stricken me as rather retarded. Why should I hate Jews because a bunch of Jews killed another Jew, my hero, who happens to be the greatest Jew that ever lived? I would have to hate my hero too. And for the first 100 years, my hero’s religion was open to Jews only.

My point here is that there is that antisemitism is a rightwing movement and has always been so. Leftwing antisemites are few and far between despite the hysterical rants of paranoid Jews. In fact, when Leftists or Communists go antisemite, they start going rightwing fairly quickly afterwards, either converting to a hardline form of Islam or becoming into or making alliances with rightwing White racist antisemites. It seems when people go hard antisemite, they naturally turn rightwing. The former leader of the Red Army Faction, an antisemite, has now gone extreme rightwing. There are many more cases of this.

Bottom line is there is just not much in antisemitism to appeal to any Leftist or progressive, so why should we move that way? Antisemitism is an inherently rightwing philosophy. Why shall the Left take this reactionary politics up then?

The exception of course being some shitty little country, in which case I am very much against that tumorous growth in the Levant and honestly would not mind if it vanished from the Earth. This makes me “an antisemite of the anti-Zionist variety,” a mantle I am quite proud to take up.

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