Politics Magazine

Americans and Gun Massacres: We Asked for It, We Got It

Posted on the 02 October 2017 by Calvinthedog

We deserve every single one of these damned massacres until we get some sense and start banning or limiting access to these crazy guns. That sounds vicious, but a society that allows all of these high powered weapons to be flooded into its civilian population is obviously going to end up with these terrible mass shootings on a regular basis. We as a society are permitting these shootings and really even allowing, promoting and cheering them on by flooding the country with high powered guns. So we deserve this sort of thing.

For a while there, there was one gun massacre happening every other day or so. I believe a couple of years ago, they were running at one a day. They have slowed down now, but obviously they are continuing. Every one of those rednecks down there cheering for that country singer who supported flooding society with these guns got what they asked for. If they died or were hurt, they signed their death warrant or injury order. They asked for it, they got it.

I’m willing to agree that anyone in the concert who supported limiting these stupid guns is an innocent victim, and it’s outrageous that they were hurt or killed. I also feel sorry for the officers that were hurt and killed because I know that the overwhelming majority of police hate these guns and want them limited or banned. Cops are actually sensible on this position. It’s logical for them to take this position, as they are getting shot at with these guns and in some cases they are even outgunned by shooters.

There doesn’t seem to be any level of massacres or mass murders that will make Americans come to their senses on these guns. While the mass murders were running at 1/day, I kept thinking that at some point when enough bodies piled up, the polls would start moving our way. I don’t believe it ever happened. Hundreds of massacres later, it appeared that the polls had not budged one inch.

The Alt Left has had to go neutral on this stupid gun issue because so many Alt Leftists are gun kooks.

It’s like a mass psychosis has taken over our society.

Anyone want to make any bets that we will see any rational movement in the polls on this insane issue? I doubt if we will see even 1 point of movement in a good direction.

By the way, Senator Scalise got what he deserved. He’s a gun rights kookjob, right? He’s never voted for one sensible gun law in his life, and he’s supported flooding society with these miniature weapons of mass destruction in civilian society as long as he’s been in office. And like the idiot that he is, he got his ass shot, a logical consequence of this fool supporting turning the country into a teeming, festering armed camp. He’s walking with a walker now because he’s still very damaged from getting shot. No sympathy, Scalise. You got what you asked for, clown.

Unbelievably, when Scalise hobbled onto the Senate floor with his walker (one had to confess it was a sorry sight), this nutcase Congress was just getting ready to pass a “public health” bill (!) which included legalizing silencers on guns and certain kinds of armor piercing bullets. No matter what you think of cops, cops actually make sense on this issue. Overwhelming majorities of police logically oppose both silencers and obviously armor piercing bullets. They’ve been battling against these insane bullets for a long time. Both of these items put officers at risk, especially the bullets, as so many cops wear at least some body armor nowadays.

Unbelievably, some Republican Congressman stood up and said it was rather unseemly to market these crazy murderous items under the rubric of public health of all things. That was so outrageous that it even offended Republicans, so you know it must have been bad. And at least one Republican expressed doubt in putting the silencer language into the bill, saying that many LE organizations wanted the silencer legalization removed.

It was pretty unbelievable to read about a few Republicans standing up on the floor of Congress and actually saying something halfway sensible. I had to pinch myself to make sure I was really awake.

Reap what you sow, idiots! You morons deserve every bit of these bloody carnage you’re wallowing in. If you don’t want to get punched in the face, quit asking people to hit you. I think even a 2nd grader could figure that out, but it’s apparently beyond the grasp of most American adults.

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