Environment Magazine

American Indian Movement of Florida – “Do Something Right For Once” Event

Posted on the 04 January 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

AIM National LogoAmerican Indian Movement and Ancient Trees Press Release:

On Monday, January 28, 2013, the American Indian Movement of Florida, Ancient Trees, United Urban Warrior Society of Florida, and others will encircle Castillo de San Marcos (fort and prison).  


3:00 P.M. – Meet at Castillo de San Marcos near the entrance to the fort and prison close to the ticket both.  Look for “Do Something Right for Once” sign.

3:15 P.M – 4:00 P.M. – Encircle the Castillo de San Marcos (fort and prison) with a unified vision that the fort and prison will be removed releasing the traumatic ills of the past. Speak to the pubic and pass out flyers.  As the Berlin Wall came down, so can Castillo de San Marcos.

5:00 P.M. – Attend and Speak at City of St. Augustine City Commissioners Meeting. City Hall, 75 King Street.  1st Floor, Alcazar Room. Note:  Bobby C. Billie, a Clan Leader and Spiritual Leader, Council of the Original Miccosukee Simanolee Nation Aboriginal Peoples will be presenting the “Other Side of Archaeology before the City of St. Augustine City Commissioners.


1.  It has always been understood that Castillo de San Marcos is under federal jurisdiction, however, the City could offer encouragement towards the removal of the Fort.  This is not an “Indian Issue” This is an issue for all races, and people of conscious.
2.  The City of St. Augustine must learn to Respect the Original People of this Continent and the removal of Aboriginal Indigenous Burials must stop.  The City must focus on putting the human remains and belongings of Aboriginal Indigenous People back in the Earth where they were stolen. The City has nothing to be proud of or to celebrate in this regard.  
3.  Remove Spanish War Criminals Juan Ponce de Leon and Pedro Menendez from the City of St. Augustine’s 450th Commemoration calendar of events.  They should not be in parades and sitting at gala affairs – they committed horrific war crimes against innocent people.
4.  Federal grant money to write more history books, put up monuments and create gala affairs around criminals is shameful spending while others in this country are not able to feed, and care for their families, and returning veterans are not receiving adequate care.
5.  Scale the 450th Commemoration down.  Stop spending taxpayers’ money benefiting only a few.   The City of St. Augustine should be focusing on the environment.  We cannot live without clean Air and clean Water. 

Words spoken by Abraham Lincoln:

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men”

Contact Information:  American Indian Movement of Florida – Ruby A. Beaulieu, Executive Director - [email protected]. Or Ancient Trees, Shannon Larsen, Co-Founder, [email protected] - 904-654-0200


An obviously inaccurate history of the experiences of American Indians that were forced to live at Castillo de San Marcos can be found hereThe Fort became a National Monument in 1924, under the Spanish name to recognize the significant cultural and historical legacy.   The National Park Service showcases that legacy with interpretive exhibits and living history displays at the fort. More glorified history of the fort can be read here

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