Politics Magazine

America: We’re Number One!

Posted on the 02 June 2017 by Calvinthedog

Time to rejoice, patriotards! America is Number One again, like it always is!

Donald Trump came in first place, beating out all contenders, for the stupidest President in US history. Yep, he really is a dummy. He’s so dumb, he can’t even read! Trump is so dumb, they asked him to spell dumb and he said, “Dum!” America! We’re Number One!

I guess the question is, “Is Trump nuts or is he dumb?” It’s a good question. He’s obviously nuts. He has a severe personality disorder. In fact, Donald Trump is a diagnosed psychopath. He fits in perfectly with his psychopathic political party and it’s sociopathic voters. America! We’re Number One! Number One is sociopathy! So not only is he nuts, but he’s also evil.

It’s really a trick question. He’s nuts and he’s evil and not only that, but he is severely fucktarded. The guy can’t even read. I mean c’mon man. Little children can do that. Little tiny children can actually read books, something the Presidunce of the United States can’t do. Little tiny children are smarter than the POTUS. Pitiful!

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