Food & Drink Magazine

Ambi-pur Air Effects Fresh in Every Spray

By Shalinidigvijay @shalinidigvijay
At the onset, I must make a confession.
I have a superbly sensitive set of nostrils and suffer from Allergic Rhinitis. There are very few odors or smells as you like that allow my nose to not react.
Anything strong or containing overpowering or too many chemicals causes my sinus to go on an overdrive and let go a barrage of sneezes.
Consequent to that , I end up with a runny nose and sneezing that wont go till I pop an antihistamine or an anti allergic medicine.
I sneeze when it gets too cold or the temperature changes suddenly.
I sneeze when I walk into a room with too many people-so too many Deodorants( Standard procedure when I was teaching- any one wearing too strong a Deodorant was banished to the opposite end of the class) and when I smell the cheap room fresheners or synthetic essential oils.
My nose has class you see.

Ambi-pur Air Effects Fresh in every spray

different fragrances of Ambi-pur Air Effects .

So when sweet child tore off the box containing Ambi-pur Air Effects, he smirked and handed me a tissue paper before he went ahead and sprayed the contents all around.
Ambi-pur Air Effects Fresh in every spray
But he need not have  bothered. Not a sneeze from me.
We tried Ambi-pur Air Effects Sweet Citrus out when we first came to Mumbai . This fragrance was long lasting,but maybe that was because the room was carpeted and heavily curtained.
Ambi-pur Air Effects Fresh in every spray
And just because I didn't sneeze in competition with the spray, the maid and sweet child sprayed it till it finished.
And the Blossoms and Breeze Ambi -Pur Air Effects Arrived.
The record breaking Mumbai monsoons have set in and we are facing an attack from the malodorous from all sides. Of sordid smelly tales and tails tells a detailed tale of what odors exist with us in a climate such as ours.
So we tried Ambi-pur Air Effects .
Ambi-pur Air Effects .
The can weighs 275 gms and is extremely handy. Unlike other room fresheners ,where you have to ensure that the nozzle is pointing in the right direction, here the ergonomically designed spray us very convenient.
Ambi-pur Air Effects Fresh in every spray

Ambi-pur Air Effects does not contain alcohol and effectively removes all odors leaving a pleasant floral aroma behind.
What I liked was that the odors don't get masked, they just dissipate.And even with the wet dog smell has gone. Rather it goes and comes back after a while.
So now every time sweet dog is brushed, a small sweep of the Ambi-pur Air Effects happens.
The smell of wet laundry is also not there . But then again, Ambi-pur Air Effects  must be sprayed every day.
But because the propellant is nitrogen which is non inflammable is a big advantage and it is significantly less dangerous to the environment.
We have this washroom in the nook that has no access to any sunlight and is constantly damp. The stale air freshened up with a couple of sprays of Ambi-pur Air Effects .This 4*3 foot washroom that needs a scented  candle and a potted plant , finally felt fresh.
My only problem is that the smell didn't last longer than a couple of hours. But with the handy spray at the ready...Trigger happy ,we were spraying again.
Ambi-pur Air Effects Fresh in every spray
So the Rs 250/- can will last you a month atleast.
The label at the back has all the necessary information, though I would have liked the  details of the chemical composition of the spray. With all the brouhaha about,information overload is really needed.
So go ahead and buy the Ambi-Pur Air Effects in different fragrances and keep your house monsoon fresh.
This is a sponsored post ,but the views are my own.
“I am blogging for #SmellyToSmiley at BlogAdda in association with Ambi Pur.”

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