I would say that the Alt Left supports this video and most everything that is said in it although it would seem to have a Cultural Left Antiracist flavor to it. There’s not a whole lot that I disagree with here, though I do take issue with a few things. On the whole though, this guy’s heart is in the right place.
The problem with the Cultural Left is that the people who hate them, often for legitimate reasons, are usually a lot worse than the Cultural Left itself. Sure the Cultural Left blows, but mostly these are well meaning fools. The Alternative Left looks at BLM and says what a bunch of idiots. The BLM-haters say the BLM is stone evil. The Alt Left looks at a lot of feminists and thinks they are well meaning but foolish, silly, and rather ridiculous women. But look at the feminist haters. The more feminist haters I meet, the more I want to be a feminist! The feminist haters are worse than the feminists!
The Alternative Left can make alliances with rational antiracists, sane feminists if any exist, reasonable gay people and all sorts of folks.
The Left or the Cultural Left is mostly just insipid and foolish when they are wrong. Even SJW’s seem to be fighting for some sort of a progressive just society, even if they happen to have their heads up their asses. They’re preposterous and idiotic, but the people who hate them, the MRA’s, the HBD’ers, the Game/PUA monsters and of course the rest of the poisonous Alt Right…well, they are just downright evil.
In a fight between fools and monsters, I side with the fools every time. There’s actually hope for fools. People stop being foolish all the time. Evil is a much graver sin, and once you cross that Rubicon, you often get so poisoned that it’s hard to pull you back over to the other side. There’s something about going evil and nasty that taints a man and even makes him hard to rescue. It’s as if he is adrift in a turbulent sea and all of the life preservers, floating coffins and ropes in the world can rescue him from the Great White Death that is swallowing him up.