Politics Magazine

Alt Right and New Right – Same Old Conservative Crap with New Lipstick

Posted on the 18 December 2013 by Calvinthedog

I fail to see what is so hip about the New Right or the Alt Right. The Right is the Right. It’s always crap everywhere at all times. How do you put lipstick on a pig and somehow make conservatism palatable. You can’t.

Apparently the Alt Right or New Right is just the same old rightwing bullshit as always, but with the charming added attractions of out front and open racism against non-Whites (in many cases even embracing White nationalism), extreme sexism against women dressed up as anti-feminism, embrace of the worst aspects of the PUA/game community (Which for some bizarre reason is now full of extreme reactionaries – since when have playboys ever been reactionaries?) and the “dark enlightenment” (lessons on how to be a psychopathic piece of crap so you can get everything you want and screw everyone around you.)

In other words, it’s garbage. It’s conservatism for super-racist, super-sexist young White males along with lessons on how to get laid and be the world’s biggest asshole. Wonderful. Can someone tell me what’s so good about this? Can someone tell me how this is hip or cool? It sounds like it blows.

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