No, the word “nigger” is incredibly annoying – and put to great use by bullies white, black, Mexican, you name it – even as of now – even among more educated whites (sort of the brat middle/upper class you see at colleges, universities)
Nigger is bad, just like fat shaming is bad. Who are we kidding here? It’s just used to bully the good guy types like me!
Sure, but why can’t we use it sardonically the way Ta-Nahesi Coates does (and he is so badass for doing that)?
Face it. The philosophy of Stormfront is “fuck the niggers.” That’s all it is.
Why can’t I say that!? If I say that, the SJW’s will call me a Nazi! You can’t say the word at all. You have to say “n-word.”
You can’t even say, “That man called that other man a nigger.” If you do, the SJW’s will call you a racist, bigot, fascist, hater, KKK, Nazi White Supremacist. You have to say, “That man called that other man an n-word.” Does that even make sense?! They will say, “Only Black people can use that word. Whites can’t use it at all, ever.”
Another thing I don’t like about this n-word nonsense is that way it infantalizes and feminizes Blacks, especially Black men. The implication is that Blacks and Black men in particular are so weak and pathetic that they will get triggered if you say nigger, break down and start crying like babies, get PTSD, and go to therapy for the next five years.
What’s going to happen if you Blacks hear that word? Are your eardrums going to break?
It implies that Black men are going to wet their panties if you say that word around them. That’s pathetic.
One thing I do like about Black men is that they are tough as Hell. They’re the most masculine of all and they can handle just about anything you throw at them. They handled the slave ships. They handled being human livestock. They handled being American Dalits under Jim Crow. Hell, a Black man can even handle prison, a place that breaks a lot of White guys.
By forcing everyone to say “n-word”, you imply Black men are a bunch of sissified, wussified girlymen. They’re not, but this is what you are turning them into when you treat them as if they are fragile dinner china like that. It’s pathetic. I would think a lot of Black guys would object to being infantalized and especially feminized like that.
Black women are tough as Hell too. They’re way tougher than White women. They pretty much handle everything you throw at them too. Like Black men, rates of depression and suicide are low among Black women. Although it plays into the Happy Negro stereotype (which is true to some extent), Black women tend to soldier on and not break no matter what. They even handle prisons like Black men. You’re treating Black women, the toughest and hardest women of all, like pathetic, fragile wallflowers who will collapse and burst into tears at any moment if you so much as look a them wrong.
This “n-word” nonsense is so insulting to Black people. I don’t know why they put up with it unless it plugs into their victim-addiction thing.