Christopher: If you hate Democrats so much and you hate Republicans even more, why not just vote Green?
The fact that millions of people vote for parties while holding their noses with a clothes peg is the reason why we are in this mess.
Also SJW’s are not well-meaning. They want to destroy Western civilization just so they can look cool and rebellious. Anti-SJW’s may not always be perfect, but at least they don’t want think Western Civilization is the most homophobic, racist, least tolerant society on Earth when actually it is the best place to be an ethnic minority or gay.
Actually I do vote Green a fair amount of the time. But this last election I looked at the Green platform and decided that the Greens were seriously out of their minds. I mean talk about SJW’s! The Greens are vastly worse SJW’s than even the Democraps are.
Often if I think that the Democrap does not have a chance, say my district is very rightwing (which has been the situation almost my entire life in California, even today), then I will just vote Green because the Democrap does not stand a chance anyway. Or if the Democrap is obviously going to wipe out the Republican completely, I might vote Green. Also it depends on how crappy the Democrap is. Diane Feinstein is a rightwing monster, but I have always liked Barbara Boxer. And I really love Kamala Harris. Those are actual Democrats, not the usual Democraps. We are really growing some fine Democrats here in California.
Your extreme denunciation of SJW’s is interesting. I do not think they are evil poison selling the destruction of society. That’s what Republicans do. I think the SJW’s are just selling insanity. Instead of a dystopic horrorshow, the world the SJW’s want strikes me more as an insane asylum. Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to idiocy. And it’s best not to attribute to evil what is better seen as simply insanity. Many mentally ill people seem evil, but often they are simply insane and the insanity is what’s causing their awful behavior. Their hearts are actually decent deep down inside.