I'm taking this post idea from Bethany today because it sounds fun. And because I not motivated enough to write a real post that requires actual thought beyond answering questions. Maybe later when I don't feel so blah.
a: age - 24 years and about 359 days. This should give you plenty of time to buy me a great birthday gift for next Wednesday.
b: bed size - queen! Because I am a queen. Not really. I slept in the same twin bed for 22 years before getting this bed. When I moved into my apartment in Arlington Heights, I was dead set on getting a queen bed. Do you know how difficult it is for two people to sleep in the same twin bed?
And yes, it is still sitting on the floor.
c: chore you dislike - dusting surfaces. Seriously, where does all the dust come from? Also cleaning the bathroom and kitchen floors. No matter how often I do this, they are always covered in crumbs and hair.d: dogs - I'm still trying to convince myself it would be okay to get one. Until then, Rudy will be my favorite.

Shaved/naked Rudy
e: essential to your day - Water. I drink a lot of water every day. This also helps in making sure I get up from my desk to go to the bathroom several times a day.f: favorite color - Um none? I used to like green a lot but honestly no color is my favorite. Pink, however, is very annoying to me.
g: gold or silver - Silver. I do have a few gold pieces I wear sometimes but on a day-to-day basis I'm wearing silver.
h: height - 5'5. The last time I was the tallest one among my peers was approximately kindergarten. I still think that's a pretty good height though.
i: interesting fact - About me? Hmmm. I have a spot in my knee that feels numb all the time. I think I have too much scar tissue built up in there from falling too many times.
j: job title - Biomedical engineer. That's what my business card says.
k: kids - Nada. I just hold other people's babies and return them when they cry or poop.

l: live - The Village of Arlington Heights. I'm still confused as to why everything is a "village".
m: mom’s name - Barb or Barbara. Also the inspiration for this song
n: nicknames - Oh I've had quite a few over the years--Speedy, AJ (hated that one), Tots, W^2 (w squared, a terrible couple nickname). But the most infamous nickname was and still is Wedge. From an epic wedgie. Some of my high school acquaintances still refer to me by this nickname.
o: overnight hospital stays - Since my birth, none. I don't even like going to the doctor, so I'd prefer to keep it this way.
p: pet peeves - I actually have a draft post all about my pet peeves. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people leave their dishes in the sink. How am I supposed to wash the dishes when they are crowding my sink?
q: quote from a movie - "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming." -Dory from Finding Nemo. Did you hear that you they are coming out with a Dory sequel - Finding Dory.
r: righty or lefty - Lefty for things like writing, eating, and small steady hand tasks. But in sports, definitely a righty. I am ambidextrous!
s: sibling - One younger brother named Jared. He is very loud.

t: time you wake up - 6:45 Monday through Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays it varies. Sometimes I get up early and other times I sleep in till 10 am. Those days are awesome.
u: underwear - Yes, I wear them. But not under bike shorts, never under bike shorts.
v: vegetables you don’t like - Okra. That shit is gross. Hairy on the outside and slimy on the inside. I even tried to fry it and I still didn't like it. If you don't like a fried food, that's when you know it's bad.
w: what makes you run late - Being myself. Yes, I am habitually late. I'm trying to improve but I still show up to things late all the time. Also I swear it takes me five minutes to leave my apartment and get into my car.
x: xrays you’ve had - Knee, both ankles, back. I'm clumsy.
y: yummy food you make - dessert. Actually I like almost everything I make. I'm no foodie but I am a sugar addict.

Turtle brownies.
z: zoo animal favorite - Penguins. I love the penguins. If a zoo doesn't have penguins, well then, it's not a real zoo.