Lifestyle Magazine

Aloe Vera for Scars

By Invisiblestilettos
Good morning darlings!  Today I have another neat tip for you.  This I will say is very, very effective.  This trick has helped me a lot, especially since I am pretty clumsy with some nicks and cuts from here and there.  I have also got some minor burns which left some pretty bad scars but I can barely even see them  now.  What did help me with it?  Aloe vera! I am so thankful to the one who shared me this tip.  She has no scars because her mom applied this to her since she was a little girl.  Now, I am returning the favor by sharing with you the wonders of this humble plant :)Aloe Vera for Scars
Aloe vera has amazing healing properties.  It does help promoting new skin cell growth.  It can deeply penetrate into the skin, moisturizing it, and getting rid of dead skin cells.  It also helps not only with production of new and healthy skin cells and repair of damaged ones but also protect them.  It is also helpful in collagen production, improving the elasticity of the skin.  Many expensive creams and gels contain aloe vera for scar removal, so why not do our skin some favor and skip all those chemicals and preservatives and get it straight from the plant, shall we?  First, invest in an aloe plant.  You can get this from your local nursery or even your friendly neighbors.  I got mine from my mom.  Just dig some "pups" or "baby plants" beside the mother plant and transplant it into a pot.  Make sure the soil has good drainage by placing some rocks at the bottom of the pot and keep it bathing under the sun.  Watering does not have to be daily but make sure the top soil does not dry up.  I placed mine in a pot and not directly on ground because these plants can be invasive, so to prevent that from happening, better contain it.  Also, because aloe vera thrives in dry desert conditions, add some sand and rocks to your soil mixture because aloe does not want "wet feet."Aloe Vera for Scars
Start by removing a leaf from your plant.  Make sure the leaf is clean by washing it.  I like pulling leaves at the bottom of the plant, not only because they are larger and "juicier" but this method would also promote growth for your aloe plant.  By removing leaves at the bottom, the plant's energy will focus on producing new leaves, thus more aloe for us to use ;)
Aloe Vera for Scars
Get a clean knife and just cut the leaf crosswise.  The inside of the leaf will now be exposed.  The gooey fluid now comes out.  This is the precious stuff we need.  You will also see the meat of the aloe leaf.  It has gelatinous material which we can squeeze out later to release more fluid.Aloe Vera for Scars
You can now directly apply the aloe on your scars.  Rub it in circles to make sure it penetrates your skin.  I love doing this in the morning.  It has become a routine.  After I have watered my small pocket garden, I'd pinch a small part of the aloe leaf and apply it to my skin and leave it there.  Just let the juice dry up on you skin.  I suggest you apply aloe on your scars everyday and you will notice the difference.  Scars would fade faster.  The smaller ones would be gone in just a matter of weeks, but for older and deeper cuts, this would take a while but would definitely improve.  I've got this nasty burn at the back of my wrist before which left an ugly scar that is now virtually gone.  You would have to look closely and meticulously to be able to see it. 
Aloe Vera for ScarsOkay, this last step is optional.  If you cannot get a hold of an aloe plant but are able to get some leaves, just cut a small part of the leaf you used on your scars then place the leaf inside the fridge.  This is how it would look like the day after.  The leaf has closed and healed itself.  It now has a thin film protecting the inside of the leaf.  Just cut this part and your aloe is again ready to use.
Aloe Vera for ScarsGood luck! :)  I do hope this tip helps you.  Share your stories with aloe.  I would love to read about them.

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