Hi folks and i thought that i should properly introduce myself to others in a post because i haven't really done anything as since this blog started in Jan this year! I have been meaning to write it but it has been so hard to write because my life is not one of the best.
I have written a full story and all about me on my about me section on the top of this blog and explains everything about my life and early days, You can read that HERE: It hasn't been easy for me since the early days and this will just give you a brief info about me and my life and also my blogging and YouTube hobby!
As most of you might have seen that in 1992 i suffered from one of the worst infections ever called Virtual encephalitis and this caused me to have so many issues and compilations that i nearly ended up loosing my life due to it and i was in hospital for over 5 weeks because i was so unwell with it. The basic skills and communication was all destroyed and i had to relearn everything from Scratch.
When i was allowed home from Hospital i wasn't a normal child anymore and i wasn't able to walk , talk and i was in a wheelchair due to that i couldn't walk and my mom was now my full time carer and i needed 24 support nearly every single day of the week, I was awarded some money and a car from the government to help with costs for medical equipment and trips to the doctors and hospital appointments and also to help me though my development and special needs.
My mom had her own full time business working from home and packing cards for business across the country, As my mom & dad also had to look after my brother and continue there work it was very hard for the both of them and they done everything that they could to support us. My dad was always working and providing everything for us while my mom was doing her own business. We had neighbours and family and friends to come over on a regular basics to come and look after me and my brother while my mom and dad was working.
Since the early days i have had so many hospital & doctors appointments and tests because of what happened and when the encephalitis took my life away, i had to attend hospital treatment on a regular basics to see what kinda support that i needed and also to see what they could do for me. I was given some special walking shoes that was made specially for me and these wasn't a cheap pair of shoes we had to pick them up every 6 weeks and they was made in Bristol and they would help me walk again and gain my confidence once again.
In 1995 i attended a special needs school for people who had special needs and who was disabled and needed support on there education and learning. I was there for 5 years and witch they gave me speech and walking therapy once a week and got me where i am today and also we had special trips out and get our confidence and interact with other people too. As well we had Swimming lessons once a week that was adapted for people in wheelchairs and people like me to get some much needed exercise. The swimming pool is still there to this day!
From then on in 1999 to 2001 i attended my junior school and high school, In 2004 disaster happened for me that would go on and destroy my school life and would leave me with more problems in years to come, In the same year i was told that i was having very serious Migraine attacks and eye trouble and i needed tests after each other and this made me to have so many days off from school.
I tried to attend school as much as i could because of all my exams etc! Before i left high school in 2005 i was finally diagnosed with hemiplegic migraines & Lazy eye amblyopia.
I started collage in September 2005 until 2008 and when disaster happened again for me and i was feeling very ill and needed medical help and support as i was getting myself into a lot of trouble and debit. I was behaving badly and i was told that i was suffering from a mental breakdown and i would need someone to talk to and i went to see a physiotherapy for more help & advice and when they told me that i was suffering from mental health problems with mild depression and anxiety attacks, And this landed me into so much trouble as my brain was out of control and i was too and this landed me into a lot of debt by the end of 2007.
Since 2008 i was so unwell that i made the massive choice to attend collage in Wales and life with my dad and his girlfriend , This made my dad so happy and pleased that i was moving in and i just wanted some much needed rest until i was well enough to go back home again. Life was pretty good down there and one day i decided to make a YouTube channel and blog when i wasn't doing anything in my free time. As there was no transport for me to get out and about all the time so i had time on my hands to make blog posts about my life and fashion ideas and of course beauty as i was doing a beautician course too. In the start of 2009 i was well enough to go home and continue with my every day life until the day in September when i declared myself insolent.
Since 2009 things has been up and down for me and trying to cope with every day life and also living with completions from viral encephalitis and it wasn't something that i was gonna get in my early days and i was planning to go to school and get good exams grades and a good job but it was all taken from me. Living with these Migraines are very hard because you never know when a attack is gonna come on and tablets don't really help them they just prevent the attacks from coming on early hours in the morning and when a attack does come on i am so scared about it because i can loose my ability to walk and talk all at the same time. I still continue to get these attacks to this day and i wish that i never ever had them because they have destroyed me since i was told that i had them.
You can read more about Hemiplegic Migraines Here:
So since the early days of 2008 i have been more focus on my blog and YouTube channel and also sharing my life and beauty all across the world. I do have a interesting life to share and i just want other people to see how it has been like growing up being disabled and not getting the things you wanted out of life and getting good marks in something. I don't let no one hold me back or take advantage of me because of disability and illnesses and i have had a few people in my life that i have met and hasn't been very pleasant towards me at all. I live my life to the full and enjoy everything that i do and since doing blogging and YouTube i have made some close and personal friends and also had a official iPhone app made for me and now my YouTube channel has now stepped into the next chapter.
I am not a excellent blogger or YouTuber i learn as i go basically and i love learning something new if thats like using video editing software and using thumbnails for YouTube videos i do my very best on what i have been learning since. My Video editing is at its early days at the moment and i am getting there very slowly and thats why in December 2013 i was so serious to work more on my blog & YouTube Chanel that my mom went out and bought me a iMac so i could make these videos on iMovie and thats what i have been using ever since for making videos.
I love sitting down and listing to music and just writing about anything that i would find interesting to share and i love it.
I would like to take this massive opportunity to say thank you to everyone's support of the years and getting me where i am today with everything, It has been really hard to get there but i done it and i am really proud of myself achieving new things all the time. My mom has been the hug support in my life and looking after me since this infection and has been there every day for me and also she played a very important thing to my life and she saved my life two times before i was produced dead in hospital from the encephalitis. I am proud to be alive today and achieving everything that i ever wanted to do and also get my goal in YouTube and blogging career.