When data is organized in a structured pattern, it can be referred to as a database. To keep data organized and to ensure easy retrieval, you can use a program or application that provides the infrastructure for storing the data.

If you are new to database systems, there are things you should understand that could help you while managing your applications. Here are some of the facts you should learn that will help you to work efficiently with databases to improve your productivity.
Relational Databases (SQL)
Whenever many people hear databases, the first thing to come in mind is SQL databases. These are databases that comprise interrelated tables, and each table contains information of a specific type - like products, transactions, people, blog posts, etc.
Therefore, each row represents an instance of the kind of data stored while every column stands for a specific attribute like price or name. Many relational databases rely on Structured Query Language (SQL) for commands. Some of the famous examples of these databases that you might have heard of or used include MySQL, MS Access, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.
NoSQL Databases
Non-relational or NoSQL databases don't work based on the conventions of relational databases. They are more flexible and don't enforce data normalization. This means with the database one can speed development and it can be used to store information in a more organized manner.
To manage a NoSQL database, you should possess knowledge of command line tools, use a visual wrapper, or even know how to use a programming language. So, these databases are often used by experts with advanced knowledge, which is something you can learn if you already know how to use SQL databases.
Database Platforms Are Not Designed The Same
Although you might know how to use a MySQL database, your skills might not be instrumental while working with a MariaDB database. These databases belong to the same SQL system, but their platforms are not structured the same way. You will find slight or even significant variations in the way the databases work. However, learning how each is configured is not something that should take you much effort because the idea is the same as far as storage and retrieval of data are concerned.
ServerMania Montreal has included all the types of databases you might want to run your application. If you are not prepared to dig into all the problematic technicalities, you can use an already managed service.
NULL Does Not Represent Zero
In the databases world, NULL is an exceptional value, but many beginners tend to confuse how it works. A NULL value should be interpreted as "unknown," so when a quantity is identified as NULL that does not mean it's zero, because zero is a value and therefore already known. Databases play an essential role in the storage and retrieval of data. Using a database, you can store data in an organized fashion. With different
For example, if you are entering values for a basketball team and you don't know their respective ages, you can specify NULL for each age field to indicate the age of each player is not known.
database technologies out there, you will discover each work in its unique way although the idea of storage and retrieval is common among them all. The most important thing is to understand the differences between SQL and NoSQL databases as each of them operates based on its convention.