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All Grown Up: Nook & Sea Gets a Makeover

By Nookandsea @KristinaMGulino


Oh happy day! How do you like the new look? I am thrilled to officially reveal the latest edition of Nook & Sea. For the past few weeks, the talented (and super patient) Linsi Brownson and her team at Spark Collaborative have really pulled together an amazing project; helping to bring Nook & Sea to a whole new level of style and function.

The blog has evolved far past my initial expectations during its nearly two-year existence, and it was time to make accommodations for that growth: easier commenting, social and subscription options, a customized platform and professional reach is just the breath of fresh air it needed.

I’m still making a few tiny tweaks on my end, but in the next few days, everything should be fully up and running. Sidenote: If you were subscribed by email prior to the switch, you may want to re-subscribe (at the right) to be sure Feedburner is sending you new posts.

Take a look around and check back often – there will be also some new features taking flight. Thanks to Linsi and to all of you for making Nook & Sea everything it is! Enjoy!

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