Environment Magazine

ALF Launches “Fur Farm Raiding Season” With the Final Nail #4

Posted on the 08 June 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

“Complete Guide to Destroying the Fur Industry” contains fur farm list, how-to guide on raiding fur farms

from the North American Animal Liberation Press Office


The Animal Liberation Front is announcing the release of The Final Nail #4. Every time a new edition of The Final Nail is released, it is followed by a wave of fur farm raids. In the 6 months after the release of The Final Nail #1, there were 16 fur farm raids. Prior to its release, there had been only 5 in US history. In the three months after the publication of The Final Nail #3 in 2008, there were three raids of fur farms whose addresses had first been made public in its pages.

June 1st has come to be known as the launch of ‘fur farm raiding season”, when mink born on fur farms begin to reach maturity and can be released into the wild. The authors intend this latest Final Nail to set off fur farm raiding season by inspiring a new wave of liberations.This week, hundreds of copies of The Final Nail #4 were mailed anonymously to animal rights groups nationwide, and digital copies were posted on download sites online.

What is “The Final Nail”?

The new guide contains:
  • State-by-state directory of mink, fox, and bobcat farms
  • A guide to security on fur farms
  • How to avoid getting caught
  • Fur farm photos
  • A recent history of fur farm raids
  • A “most wanted” list of important targets
  • An analysis of weak links in the US fur industry
In the 93 fur farm raids since 1996, over 130,000 animals have been liberated with only a handful of arrests.

With the information contained in The Final Nail, two people with a car and $20 in tools can rescue thousands of animals in one hour.

The Final Nail #4 can be reviewed at the following links:




[Press Office note: Imprisoned in cages for life, or mercilessly trapped with painful leghold traps in the wild,  fur-bearing animals killed to make unnecessary fashion statements are forced to endure intensive confinement, compared to the miles of territory these still-wild animals would enjoy in their natural state. The natural instincts of these captive animals are completely frustrated; self-mutilation, sickness, infection, poor sanitation and the sheer stress of confinement lead animals in captivity to premature death. When they survive, animals of sufficient size are killed by anal electrocution or gassing, then skinned. In addition to liberating the wild animals destined for a certain, painful and agonizing death, another goal of liberationists is to cause economic damage to fur retailers and farms; dozens of stores and fur farming operations have seen economic ruin since "Operation Bite Back" began by the Animal Liberation Front in the 1990s.

The Animal Liberation Front utilizes economic sabotage in addition to the direct liberation of animals from conditions of abuse and imprisonment to halt needless animal suffering. By making it more expensive to trade in the lives of innocent, sentient beings, the ALF maintain the atrocities against our brothers and sisters are likely to occur in smaller numbers; their goal is to abolish the exploitation, imprisonment, torture and killing of innocent, non-human animals.]

Contact: (213) 640-5048
Animal Liberation Press Office
3371 Glendale Blvd. #107
Los Angeles, CA 90039


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