Another airplane disappears? The BBC are saying that Air Algérie have lost contact with one of their aircraft over Burkina Faso in Western Africa. The flight from aircraft from Ouagadougou to Algiers carrying 110 passengers and crew vanished 50 minutes into the flight. If this report is true, then that would be the third passenger aircraft to have a serious incident in the past week or so. Firstly we had MH17, then a TransAsia Airways crash claimed the lives of 48 people yesterday in Taiwan, and now I hear this news. What is causing this rash of air incidents and tragedies?

This chart is based on the information I have so far. The flight disappeared from radar at 01.55 GMT and local time most probably over Mali on it’s way to Algiers. I have tried to guess the location of the flight where it could have gone down on an approximate northerly track, the one it would have taken.
Well, what of the Astrology? Mars still in an angry and fiery square to the Sun and Jupiter does not help things. Mars at this time would have been making a very active air grand trine to the Moon, ruling people and emotions and the Midheaven signifying public news about a potentially violent event. Notice that the Moon was void of course, saying that there would be some doubt or uncertainty in what was happening here.
The planet of transportation and vehicles Mercury (and probably the chart ruler) was currently opposite Pluto most likely in the 8th house of change and brutal events, the planet of death and destruction as well as being square to Uranus, the planet of shocks and technical faults. Pluto is also starting to oppose Venus as it progresses through Cancer. Neptune, often a disruptive influence would at this time would have been square to the Gemini Ascendant and this planet could have been ruling the 11th house of companies and groups at the time of the incident, helping the uncertainty of the news that is now breaking.
Mercury today is sitting on the star Canopus, a rather tough star in the constellation of Carinae, the keel. This constellation is part of the wider constellation of the Argo, the great ship of the southern skies. Obviously then, there is a link to transport and finding a path, the keel directs where the ship can go, and when opposed by Pluto and squared by Uranus, any scheduled journey can be suddenly cut short, disrupted or even destroyed. Two awful incidents linked to aircraft as well as the last sailing of the wrecked Costa Concordia to the scrapyards while Mercury is on this star attests to the power of these connections.