Destinations Magazine

After The Storm – Kerteminde Harbor

By Ingridd @cosytraveler

After Lundeborg, Lars and I went to the north of Funen, to Kerteminde:

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Kerteminde harbor is a place we have visited before. In different seasons and weather conditions. In winter, when the sea was frozen. At Sankt Hans Aften, when there were bonfires everywhere. In summer, when people were having a stroll and eating and drinking outside.

This time, it was cloudy and windy. Again, there were not many people about, so it was easy to take pictures. Only problem: it started raining. I converted some of the pictures to black and white. Not sure which ones are better.

After The Storm – Kerteminde Harbor
After The Storm – Kerteminde Harbor
After The Storm – Kerteminde Harbor

After The Storm – Kerteminde Harbor
After The Storm – Kerteminde Harbor

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