The Friends of the Public Garden has expressed their strong opposition to the proposed illuminated electronic billboards at the Park Street and Arlington Street Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (MBTA) stations.
The MBTA is applying for permits to install digital billboards outside at multiple T stations, including Park Street and Arlington Street. The proposed 55 inch illuminated signs will display 15 seconds of service information followed by 30 seconds of paid advertising. This visual and light pollution of this outdoor advertising is in violation of both the Back Bay Architectural Commission Commercial Guidelines and the MassDOT regulations for signage because it is within 300 feet of two landmark historic parks.
You can still express your concern by letter or email. In our Advocacy Alert of February 7, 2018, we included a sample letter to copy, paste and personalize. Here is a link to that Advocacy Alert and letter. There is still an opportunity to let John Romano, Director, MassDOT about your opinion about the proposed signs.