If you’re looking for a solidly socialist website that’s all about economics, never about cultural bullshit, the World Socialist Website is for you:
I don’t mind them, but they are Trots. Trotskyites. I get so impatient with Trotskyites. There is another Trot site that is pretty cool – I think it is called In Defense of Marxism or something of that nature. Those are British Trots, I think from the Socialist Workers Party.
Trots are interesting, but they are not realistic.
All real and existing socialism was not real socialism because it was Stalinism! Mood: WTF.
The only real socialism was Trotskyism, which has never or hardly ever been tried! So how do we know if it is going to work or not? We don’t! Mood: bafflement.
What do they dislike? Capitalism. OK cool. Mood: Relieved to discover and old friend.
What else do they dislike? All existing varieties of socialist states of all types, as social democracy is just capitalism and everything is Stalinism or capitalism roader traitors to the working class. Mood: Depressed.
Any regimes they like or consider to be models? Not really. Mood: Confusion and exasperation.
How can you argue for or against something that has never been tried?
They have the right enemies, like most socialists, and they do support regimes like the Bolivarian Chavistas in Venezuela, although they want the regime to go a lot further in a socialist direction. And they supported Syriza in Greece. They have had some pretty hard-hitting pieces on the severe downside to the capitalist roaders in Vietnam and China (it hasn’t been pretty picture, capitalist fanboys). It is hard to argue against something that doesn’t even exist and has probably never even existed. It’s like arguing with a ghost in the room.
Trots are interesting, but they leave me feeling very frustrated.