Lifestyle Magazine

A Vintage Wedding with an Italian Twist!

By Claire

Today’s vin­tage wed­ding blog with an Ital­ian twist will inspire many of you I’m sure. There’s beauty in the details: soft, ele­gant and classy vin­tage roses, table dec­o­ra­tions and styling (not to men­tion Amanda’s stun­ning wed­ding dress and Anton’s super classy suit).

There’s also a real atmos­phere of cel­e­bra­tion. As Amanda told me, “Ital­ian wed­dings are all about shar­ing good food with your fam­ily and friends” — and there’s a link at the end of this page where you can see much more of their wedding.

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The lovely cou­ple chose Han­nah of Life­line Pho­tog­ra­phy to cap­ture their vin­tage wed­ding on cam­era, and she did a beau­ti­ful job. I first met Han­nah at top wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Chris Hanley’s enchant­ing and cre­ative stu­dio space near Man­ches­ter, the River­side Stu­dios, and I can tell you as well as being pas­sion­ate about her wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy she’s also a really gor­geous and lovely and gen­uine lady. She pho­tographs wed­dings all around the Not­ting­ham area — so get in touch! (Read this first though


Wed­ding story by Amanda and Anton; images by Life­line Pho­tog­ra­phy. Enjoy!

Amanda and Anton’s vin­tage wed­ding at Thrump­ton Hall

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Who pro­posed, and how?

Anton pro­posed on our hol­i­day in Puerto Banus at our favorite restau­rant The Girosol.

Wed­ding recep­tion venue: We were lucky enough to have 2 — The Grande Capodi­monte, Sor­rento ( and Thrump­ton Hall, Eng­land (

Wed­ding recep­tion pho­tog­ra­pher: Life­line Pho­tog­ra­phy — Han­nah Web­ster (

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Vin­tage with an Ital­ian twist

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What did you wear?

Anton wore a light suit with a Du Champ open col­lar shirt and I had an Angela Vick­ers gold French lace over ivory silk fish­tail fit­ted dress with amaz­ing Vivi­enne West­wood for Melissa shoes.

What were your highlights?

Walk­ing through the streets of Sor­rento after our cer­e­mony and all the locals and shop keep­ers con­grat­u­lat­ing you as you walk by. Dri­ving down the beau­ti­ful arched dri­ve­way in our vin­tage car at Thrump­ton Hall to be greeted by all our Fam­ily and Friends

Vin­tage wed­ding styling and details

Thrump­ton is a stun­ning manor house dat­ing back to the 16th cen­tury with beau­ti­ful gar­dens and a lake with a small but lovely boat house. We chose to use lots of lovely Eng­lish roses and can­de­labras to fit in with the beau­ti­ful set­ting of the Eng­lish Coun­try Gar­den. Ital­ian wed­dings are all about shar­ing good food with your fam­ily and friends so the cater­ing was very impor­tant to us. I made some sweetie trees myself to keep the lit­tle ones happy.

Music and entertainment:

We had a band called The Some­bodys pro­vided by Ear Candy — they were very pro­fes­sional, good fun and really made the evening.

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Mem­o­rable wed­ding moments:

All of it, from the cars arriv­ing at Sor­rento to the taxi home in Eng­land after the recep­tion — they truly were 2 days I will never ever forget.

My lit­tle girl Ara­bella who is 2 insist­ing her Daddy hold her all through our cer­e­mony which just made it so much more a fam­ily moment. My veil blow­ing away at Thrump­ton and every­one try­ing to catch it.

Again Ara­bella try­ing to steal the lime­light tak­ing the mic off Daddy halfway through his speech. My brother’s face when he saw me for the first time and how proud he was walk­ing me down the aisle. My three broth­ers all in the same place twice.

Wed­ding advice:

Make the most of every moment from try­ing on dresses (string it out) to choos­ing flow­ers to the actual day. Do it your way it is YOUR DAY no one else’s. And you’ll only do it once. Make it per­sonal not typ­i­cal!

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Amanda and Anton’s rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

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See more from Amanda and Anton’s wed­ding on the Life­line Pho­tog­ra­phy blog!

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