Other Sports Magazine

A Video Tribute from My Work Colleagues!

By Stodge @stodgeblog

A few giggles met me at work early this morning before eventually I was emailed a link to the clip below……

Taking advantage of me  ”not being there to defend himself”, a few of my  Pozzoni  (who kindly helped sponsor the GB team kit last year) work colleagues, in the graphics and viz dept, gave their trubute to me at the Pozzoni annual awards last Friday as I lay 200miles away being ‘stretched’ by my physio.

A video tribute from my work colleagues!
I won 2nd place in the ‘Evelyns A&E award’ section – see you tube clip below (sound needed for full effect), and also second place in the ‘Whats going on? award’ – see left for the car park physio session! I lost out in the A&E award to a colleague who managed to crack the ribs of the host at a Go-Karting jolly when he crashed into him!

Cheers Greg, Rob and Damo !

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