The night before I set out trays of activities for my son to complete the next day. This is a hands-on and Montessori approach to education. I just started the doing toddler trays, which I'll explain in a later post. It basically keeps things organized and allows me to rotate different educational activities for my son to do. It also helps me rotate his toys better.
Here are our trays of activities for the day

During breakfast we go over our weekly memory verse.After breakfast it's Calendar time.

Blue Rock loves calendar time and is getting really good at it.

Blue Rock picked tracing first today. He traced two pages. The more he practices, the better he gets.

Then I traced his hands, then he traced my hand, then I traced his feet. I wanted him to just draw, but he wanted to trace hands and feet.

Then he went to play with his Mr. Potato Head. He put the eyes and mouth in funny places and laughed and laughed.

After we got dressed, we met up with some friends and visited a small zoo. In Germany, it's called a Tierpark.

He loved seeing all the animals and hanging out with his friend.

After lunch we worked on letters. We played a letter matching game. He matched capital and lower case letter As to the letters on the tree. I bought a little curriculum that had this here.

Then we went over the letter J in his Hooked on Phonics for Preschool workbook.

Next he went over shapes and colors. This is Lauri Toys Shape and Color Sorter.
Then Blue Rock had free time to play while I got some things done. During free time, he decided to throw a fit for about 45 minutes. After trying to console but not giving in, I called my step-mother for advice while trying to decide the best way to handle his tantrum. I finally decided to continue to ignore him and eventually he came downstairs and I gave him a hug and told him I love him. I took my step-mother's advice and prayed for him. That helped calm me and Blue Rock stopped crying. I should have prayed earlier. Also, he was just fine. It wasn't long after he came downstairs that he was laughing and playing happily again. Sorry, no pictures of the tantrum.I gave Blue Rock a snack and asked him if he wanted to play downstairs. Of course he did! Downstairs is his favorite place to play. He went to the last activity I had for him today.

He sorted pom poms by color and placed them in rows in this ice cube tray I got for 1 Euro from IKEA.

Then sweet husband took us out to dinner to celebrate our 3rd anniversary in Germany. We ate at our favorite Greek restaurant.