- Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory, friends you can trust, love of learning, and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey. -Tad Williams
- We are vagabonds. Not being able to call a house a home for long is indeed a painful thing to do. Imagine a plant not being able to grow too tall because the roots can't dig too deep...
- But then see the other side. Aerial roots?
- That's what we have learned to do.
- Make a house our home, even temporarily. And how do we bring the bare walls alive? By spacing our memories,by pinning hopes and desires on the walls and sometimes painting dreams. Yes, you can manage all that. If you want to wake up in a room that reflects you. Your desires, your hopes and your mood.
- I don't think I can make structural changes to the homes we inhabit for a few years and move on to hopefully greener pastures. But yes, cosmetic changes are definitely needed. Other wise the previous occupants unfinished plans will haunt me for the duration of my stay.
- My first attempt is always to paint the walls white. White is like a blank canvas. Then I set about hanging my memories and experiences and relationships. All this in the form of pictures and photographs ,some artwork and some curios and maybe some hand me downs from the parents. I also have a lot of DIY peppered around. Some corners I hang bells and some lamps and some trails of candle holders.
- And then there is my brass collection,that just irritates hubby dear everytime the daily help has to polish it. But believe me, those figurines are worth their Weight in gold.
- My kitchen is teeming with my pots and pans and cups and ladles and various other appliances. Yellow and white are my chosen color theme.
- My canvas changes, my color palette changes with every new home. But I try to keep the bed room static. The comfort of deep sleep warrants some permanence.
- And that's what brings the solace to the soul-the bedroom.
- I am happy with what I have. But a little more to dream is always fun.
- A papasan chair like this for me to curl up in. No, not to sleep in, just to read in...or make fool around with my iPad in. After all, home is where your Wifi connects automatically.I would love a solid teak would bed, that would take the brunt of my troubles and a super springy mattress to bounce my dreams in. And the bed should be like my dreams. All Indian and warm wood. I dislike the colour black. Especially in my bedroom. None of my linen is black. All shades of whites and blues and yellow and greens. So to go with my earth tones, I would love a beautiful bed with a beautiful headboard.And my bedside table should have the space to stash my books and a charge station for my phone and iPad. Not to forget the reading lights ,so I can continue to read late in the night without disturbing hubby dear-poor man.And since I share my home and hearthstone and life and heart with a television obsessed hubby dear , I would love to be able to place a stylish entertainment cabinet to house his Bravia and his gaming console and CDs and stuff.
- Maybe,when I shift permanently to my own home I'll be able make my home as Indian as I am . All warm and hospitable and inviting. Just like me.
- “I am participating in the Upload and Transform #HomeCanvas activity in association with Godrej Interio and BlogAdda.
So what are you dreaming of today???
Image curtesyPicture 1 www.overstock.comPicture 2 Pinterest Picture 3 www.onceuponateatime.com