Fashion Magazine

A Tea Towel Fit For A Prince

By Clairebelle @cbelleoftheball
With all the hype about the new Prince, and all the tacky memorabilia, which is sure to follow...crappy mug? Tacky figurine? Old fashioned thimble anyone? It's nice to see one of the UK's most tongue in cheek designer labels, create something fun and stylish to celebrate.
House of Holland, the label synonymous with catchy and kooky slogans has created a classic tea towel to celebrate Prince George's birth. But this is no ordinary tea comes complete with George's very own interpersonal House of Holland slogan...
...OMG HE'S GORGE OUR NEW PRINCE GEORGE the tea towel screams out, in bold lettering with Union Jack design filler.
I love this. The perfect way to celebrate the new Prince, son of a very stylish yummy mommy and from one of the UK's own fashion houses. Well done House of Holland. The award for best souvenir keepsake goes to you!
Available to purchase here for £25. What do you make of this funky tea towel? Enjoy x
A Tea Towel Fit For A Prince

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