Lifestyle Magazine

A Rustic Handmade Wedding in France!

By Claire

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (2)

A beau­ti­ful wed­ding in France! Laura & Stuart

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (3)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (4)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (5)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (6)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (7)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (8)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (9)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (10)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (11)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (12)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (13)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (14)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (15)

Wed­ding venues:

  • Mairie de Vulaines sur Seine (civil ceremony)
  • Eglise de Samoreau (Church)
  • La Grange aux dimes (recep­tion) in Samoreau

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Freddy Fre­mond

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Rus­tic chic — we wanted a laid back style that suited the French venue and the surroundings.

We wanted to bring some Eng­lish tra­di­tions and mix them up with some French styles (the favours were mini jam pots cov­ered in blue and white ging­ham, tied with gar­den twine, filled with Con­fi­ture au Lait.

We also wanted it to be din­ner party meets party.

A lit­tle about the wed­ding ceremony:

We had a civil cer­e­mony (which is oblig­a­tory in France) fol­lowed by a church wed­ding with a local Eng­lish vicar.

The civil wed­ding was reserved for fam­ily (35 guests) and every­one else joined us at the Church (85 guests in total). The church ser­vice was still very inti­mate and also in Eng­lish but in an amaz­ing rarely used French church.

Which read­ings did you choose?

Corinthian 13:4 8A and an Irish Wed­ding Blessing

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (16)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (17)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (18)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (19)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (20)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (21)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (22)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (23)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (24)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (25)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (26)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (27)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (28)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (29)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (30)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (31)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (32)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (33)

Tell us a lit­tle about your wed­ding venue styling and details:

The Grange aux Dimes is a 13th cen­tury tithe barn, it is a beau­ti­ful rus­tic build­ing and we made it look very clas­sic yet sim­ple. We used ivory table cloths, chair cov­ers and tied navy rib­bons around them, which matched the bride­maids’ dresses.

We also had some lace details to cover the stage area and my Mum echoed that in the cake she made, which was the main fab­ric of my dress. we kept the dance area quite small and cen­tral which made it look full at all times and made it dif­fi­cult for peo­ple not to get dragged up!

Invi­ta­tions and recep­tion stationery:

We used Vistaprint, it was very rea­son­able and did very sim­ple yet ele­gant designs. We ordered Invi­ta­tions, Menus and Thank You cards and were more than pleased with the qual­ity and ser­vice they offered, as well as the price com­pared to most wed­ding stationery.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

Julien Roman (DJ Air) was our DJ, he was great, we met him before hand and he played all the music we requested. He was French but has an Eng­lish mother so under­stood our eclec­tic music tastes. He put on some 1920’s French music dur­ing the gar­den drinks and some excel­lent music choices to get peo­ple danc­ing with all sorts of tastes.

Laura wore:

Mag­gie Sot­tero Doreen dress, Jimmy Choo shoes, acces­sories by Krausz jewellery

Stu­art wore:

A cus­tom made suit by Moss Bros, Prince of Wales check, 3 piece tai­lored suit.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

The cut­ting of the cake was very mem­o­rable, it wasn’t some­thing we expected, the DJ sug­gested we have some music as in France it’s tra­di­tion that the Cro­quem­bouche is rolled in to music. So we took his advice and every­one gath­ered round, he played a dance ver­sion of Pirates of the Caribbean and it was amaz­ing, it kicked off the disco, we had a cham­pagne foun­tain and it really got the party started!

For me (Laura) — enter­ing the church and see­ing all my fam­ily and friends there, the major­ity of them hav­ing trav­elled over from Eng­land, it was very emo­tional, and then see­ing Stu­art, just the best feeling!

For Stu­art — (apart from the beam­ing smile on my face see­ing my wife) it was danc­ing to some crack­ing dance music and look­ing around see­ing my friends, cousins and even my par­ents danc­ing along. It was just the best night out but with absolutely every­one you know there! See­ing people’s faces when each French wed­ding sur­prise came out, the trou nor­mand (cal­va­dos with sor­bet after the first course), buck­ets of French wine, etc.

Wed­ding day advice:

Make time to spend time as a cou­ple, have peo­ple who can con­trol the day for you, so you don’t have to worry about a thing, enjoy it and do hire a good pho­tog­ra­pher because they are pho­tos you can cher­ish forever!!

Freddy was great, there are so many pho­tos that make up our album that we didn’t even now he had taken. Do some­thing dif­fer­ent to sur­prise your guests.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (34)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (35)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (37)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (38)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (39)

French wedding blog ideas Freddy Fremond (40)

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