I wrote a psalm .
My first psalm ever.
I thought psalm writers had all died and gone to heaven. 🤷🏽♀️ I never knew I could be one of them. Psalmists don't usually know they're psalmists until they lamented and sorrowed about something mighty weighty.
This was me after we lost our mother in law , father in law and I'd gone through various transitions with life and work.
A Psalm unto My Lord I love the Lord because He heard my heart. God listens to my heart like none other. He loves me because He made me before the foundations of the earth. Before I even existed, God ordained me to be a Healer. I am His confidant, marked by His presence and His purpose. When life becomes unmanageable for me, Oh God, you bring me into a very still place and say: Listen." In the hearkening of my ears Lord, You allow me to find peace. You wanted me to understand that In Stillness, In Your Rest. In Your Purpose. In Your Love. In Your steadfast love - that reaches far beyond the Sun, the Moon, and Galaxies, and Stars. Be very near And in Your nearness I shall have Direction, Purpose, & Strength. When my friends mocked me and thought I was disillusioned they said: "What are you doing with your life? You seem confused!" Even the silent mocking - I still heard them, Lord. When I wandered...seemingly purposeless and without direction, they said: "Where is God in that?" Even the ones closest to me questioned my ability to understand You, Oh God Yet You held me close. Speak Your love over me in waves Waves that allow me to love You with quiet and soft music - rocking me to sleep. Rein me into the silence of Your love, To love You with Sabbath simplicity, listening for what is dear in Your heart; Not mine. Searching for You in the silence and resting in You, with my whole heart. I love You, Lord. It's because of You I have a new sense of direction. I have a befitting and determined course. Because of You, my heart sings praises for a new occupation That has set me in the land of opportunity. One without limitation, that speaks from praise and purpose; Healing and leadership and longing. I thank You. Selah. My conclusion is this: Although there will be times in your life when you don't quite understand Your God, Remain grateful to Him. Remain in a state of peace and contemplation on what He said last. Remain Hidden in that word He gave you, And write it on your heart of remembrance And on the walls of your living space, so it is easily read. Trust that God has given you a vision and adhere - because the vision defines your future. Celebrate in the quietness of God's love. Rest Assured He will answer in the end. The Lord loves a faithful contemplator of His word. Selah. I love writing love letters unto God. They help me focus and remain sustained. They give me clarity and help me to stay on task. It's my hope this psalm I wrote shall encourage you as well.