Life Coach Magazine

A New Year, a New YOU! Welcoming 2015 :)

By Sakshi Raina @capturesunshyne

A new year, a new YOU! Welcoming 2015 :)
The first day of the year. Today marks the starting of a new day, new year, new memories, new heartbreaks, new people and a new YOU. It scares me how fast time flies. I swear, it feels like a week when I celebrated the beginning of the last year.
"Bad news is time flies, good news is you are the pilot."
I'm sure that we all would agree on the fact that not all of our days in the past year had been the same. There were times when we resided on cloud 9 and then there were also times when we came crashing back to the ground. Those were the times that revealed the type of person we are while giving us memories and lessons for a lifetime....
...but you made it to a new year full of surprises for you to unfold. Congratulations!
My favorite thing about the new year is that it provides us a brand new opportunity for a fresh start, a magical sense of renewal. It is the day when we gather all our courage and tell ourselves that this would be "our" year and that we should start doing the things we love and stop doing the things we don't. It gives a chance to eliminate negativity by forgetting about the past and start afresh.
This is the reason we tell ourselves that the best is yet to come.
I have never believed in new year resolutions until now. I guess because I never felt that I was enough self-motivated throughout the year but this proves to be one of my weakness, isn't it? Hence I'm making a list of resolutions for the upcoming year and I'm sure to achieve them.
Do you also don't make new year resolutions because you think you shall give up easily? Give it a try and you might just surprise yourself. To warm you up, here are five things that should be on your list.
Open the links and you might just get inspired ;)

1. Spend more time with people offline than online

We get caught up in the digital web so often that we have forgotten the art of calling or meeting people anymore. You wish your friend a happy birthday on Facebook, flirt on whatsapp or meet potential partners on Tinder. Are emoticons really replacing emotions?

2. Live in the present

We humans are weird. We tend to search and look for things that makes us rethink everything about life and then lose our moment of happiness. One such reason is longing for the past or being afraid of the future. We have quite forgotten how to live in the present without letting our mind drift off to an another time frame. If you aren't living in the present, you're living an illusion.

3. Do not live a mediocre life

Are you living a mediocre life? We are born to strive for excellence and you my dear friend, has the power to control everything that you want including your own life. So stop being mediocre and start attracting greatness.

4. Be a dreamer as well as a do-er

Well now since you have realized how much you can achieve, dream BIG but also work hard. Dreams wont come true unless you work. It is the hard work that make things happen. It is the hard work that brings the change.

5. Learn life lessons DAILY

Everyday life teaches us something. All we need is to pay heed to those tiny details in the moments. Life teaches us in the most unexpected ways possible when you least expect it. Ask yourself everyday, "What have I learned today?" and you would see a difference in your mindset already. This is nothing but a different approach of gratitude and reflecting the day.
A new year, a new YOU! Welcoming 2015 :)
You have a chance to start it differently. Although I don't believe that you need a new year to start making changes in yourselves and the world around you, it does give you a landmark to start working on. Take this chance and see the world around you change :)
I won't wish you a happy new year because no one can guarantee you that the next 365 days of your life would be happy. There would be highs and there would be lows. I would say live the new year and make it so much better than the previous year.
Being consistent on my blog is on the top most priority on my new year resolution list. What is yours? Let me know on the comment section below.
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