Creativity Magazine

A Must Read--Caste

By Vickilane


A Must Read--Caste
Like many folks, I am really tired of having to think about the former guy, weary of seeing his scowling face every time I look at the news, and saddened at the number of fellow citizens who support him. It's a bit like "The Body Snatchers"--that classic horror flick where aliens had taken over ordinary people's bodies and you couldn't tell who was infected and who wasn't.
So when I opened my Kindle and began to read this highly recommended and praised book, I was kinda taken aback to find that the election of 2016 and the popularity of the orange one were the opening salvo in this discourse on how racism and caste shape our world.
It's something I've become increasingly aware of--the knowledge that I live in a country that was formed on the ruins of conquered civilizations, that was built with the labor of enslaved humans, and that has yet to come to terms with that ignoble history.
I am struck at how relevant this book is to this particular moment in history. Quoting Wilkerson; "The election (of 2016) would set the United States on a course towards isolationism, tribalism, the walling in and protecting of one's own, the worship of wealth and acquisition at the expense of others, even of the planet itself."
And here we are. Deja vu, all over again. 
This book came out in 2020 and I'm just now getting to it. I haven't yet finished it but wanted to post about it now while the Kindle price is low (under $3.)
An excellent review is HERE.

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