Creativity Magazine

A Mountain of Words

By Vickilane
A Mountain of Words
Dear Folks,
Please Sponsor Me! I am participating in the 2nd annual Mountain of Words Write-A- Thon to support the work of Asheville Writers in the Schools and Community. This non-profit organization  changes lives with creativity and literacy by connecting  writers with children, youth and families through innovative programs. (Find out more by visiting And because I REALLY hate asking for money, I'm offering this special incentive. Donate in my name and  I will email you one of my unpublished short stories -- a spooky mountain tale -- just in time for Halloween. (The organization will send me a list of those who donate.)
Just click THIS LINK and sponsor me via PayPal — or if you prefer to send a check make it out to Asheville Writers in the Schools, mail to 347 Kenilworth Road, Asheville, NC 28805 and put my name in the memo line!
I’ll be writing as much as I can for AWITSC between now and November 8th.

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