I cant believe that it is Memorial Day. It seemed like last week I was fussing about all the cold weather.
Now if you are like me you must have some food you plan on cooking, or go to some party today. I am not going to any party, so it will be very low key today.
I am going to start with Burgers. Burgers are the perfect Memorial day main dish and who doesnt love a burger. My chin dripping, need two napkins Bourbon Burger is perfect.

Then I was thinking about a few sides. I love deviled eggs and think they would be a great addition to any picnic or barbecue. The best thing is that you can make these ahead and they transport pretty well too. You are going to love my Deviled-Eggs.

Lets see how about some more side dishes. How about some Guacamole? You are going to love my Holy Guacamole.

So now we will need something to wash all of this delicious food down with. How about a beer? No wait make it a Shandy.

So that is it yall. This is my feast for Memorial Day. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I am.
Peace be with you,